Yogyakarta attractions

South plaza or public square called Alun alun selatan of Yogyakarta. Being in fortress palace , in the Java language known as "neng njeron Beteng Palace". There are 2 old banyan tree that once. supposedly if you can walk straight with my eyes closed through the middle between 2 trees will be Fulfilled. And until now it is still much to do, both within and outside the local area. Usually on Saturday night a lot of people coming to this place and try it. Alun-alun Kidul (South) in 1920 the situation was different with the square now, though beringinnya tree remains the same. Would have experienced a variety of changes in the surrounding, for example road that circles the southern plaza is paved, in earlier times, at least until the 1960's, paved belun like now, even square-alunnya no green grass planted. In those years, in the middle of the plaza south of the existing park as a playground of children, but the park was now gone.This place now becomes a place of multifunctional. become a ritual, family recreation, concerts, even where the manufacture of filming.On Saturday night atmosphere here is illuminated by the lights of the bike. means bicycle decorated iridescent colored lights.By renting a bike is to mengengelilingi ALUN ALUN area.Not for a moment the crowd here on Saturday night, could be up at 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning. it feels incomplete if not stop by to see the beauty of this place at night.

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