
<br /> malioboro

<br /> malioboro tempo doeloe
 This is the crowded center of the city of Yogyakarta. Place of purchase and place in time to calm your mind after your activity. Namely Malioboro.
Malioboro, which becomes one of the symbols for Yogyakarta has undergone many changes. Viewing malioboro now designate the progress that is likely to make people admire, at least in terms of physical. But reducing atmosphere at a time may have existed, such as shade along the way malioboro region. Although malioboro be trading places (then or now), but there is another atmosphere that can not be found elsewhere, At least there is a touch of culture. But now fully malioboro is for commercial purposes. It should not matter right or wrong, but people soon learned, that malioboro has changed. Photo malioboro in 1936, taken from teteg monument (monument train) can at least show teteg changes past and present, and this means teteg monument and its surroundings have undergone many changes. Especially if you see malioboro in 1949, where the recently independent republic of Indonesia, malioboro has undergone a change, but the difference is only 13 years. Two photos malioboro "tempo doeloe" can at least open mind regarding the past and put it in reality malioboro malioboro now.
But now the changing times over the years this place a lot changes in one of its construction. Although there are some old buildings that msih solid until now and still in use. Now the tourist center of Yogyakarta. A lot can be found here. Along the way the building was surrounded by buildings that make the hallmark of this city.

malioboro sekarang

nasi kucing raksasa                          
<br /> malioboro                                                                                                           

Template by : Kendhin