Atlantis maybe Indonesia?

 According to references that I read, atlantis may indeed have a point in the past it's there. There are researchers who say that it is the first Indonesian atlantis. No less than 30 matching characteristics between Atlantis by Plato and conditions of Indonesia. For example, in tropical areas, which is always hot even in the Ice Age. Fraught with all kinds of beauty and richness of the vast lands and beautiful fields, valleys and mountains; gemstones and various metals, woods fragrance, fragrances, and dyes are high quality, rivers, lakes, lakes, and abundant irrigation, agriculture productive with two crops per year; palace-studded gold, silver walls, and fortresses, elephants and all kinds of beasts.
Atlantis comes from the Sanskrit Atala, which means heaven or observation tower (watch tower), Atalaia (Potugis), Atalaya (Spanish). Plato affirms that area at the time Atlantis was the center of world civilization in the form of culture, natural resources, science / technology, and others. Plato states that the location of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean now. In his time, he insisted that the earth is flat and surrounded by an ocean (ocean) as a whole.Ocean comes from the Sanskrit word meaning ashayana surrounds thoroughly. The opinion was later challenged by experts in the future such as Copernicus, Galilei-Galileo, Einstein, and Stephen Hawking.
Santos differs with Plato about the location of Atlantis. Brazilian Scientists argues, that at the time of the eruption of the volcano, causing the ice to melt and flow into the ocean so that the extent of increase. Water and mud derived from volcanic ash and the burden on the ocean bottom, resulting in tremendous pressure on the earth's crust at the bottom of the ocean, especially in pantaibenua. This pressure resulted in an earthquake. This earthquake was strengthened further by the mountains in a row that erupted later and cause a devastating tsunami waves. Santos called Heinrich Events.
In an effort to express an opinion based on the history of the world, it seems an oversight that Plato has made ​​two, one on the shape / position of the earth which he said flatly. Secondly, regarding the location of the continent of Atlantis which he said was in the Atlantic Ocean which is opposed by Santos. United States military research in the Atlantic region proved unable to find traces of that lost continent. Therefore it is not arbitrary is proverb that says, "Amicus Plato, sed magical Amica veritas."Meaning, "I am pleased to Plato, but I prefer the truth."According to the writings of Plato, the conference finally agreed on 24 criteria that should satisfy the requirements of the existence of geographic location of Atlantis, namely:

1. Metropolis of Atlantis should be located somewhere where the land is ever there or some still exist.
2. Metropolis of Atlantis should have a clear morphology of alternating lands and waters that form concentric rings.
3. Atlantis must be outside the Pillars of Hercules.
4. Metropolis of Atlantis was larger than Libya and Anatolia and the Middle East and the Sinai (combined).
5. Atlantis had been inhabited by a community developed / civilized / intelligent (literate population) with skills in the field of metallurgy and navigation.
6. Metropolis of Atlantis should be routinely achievable by sea from Athens.
7. At that time, Atlantis should be at war with Athens.
8. Metropolis of Atlantis should have experienced severe physical suffering and destruction that unspeakable (unprecedented proportions).
9. Metropolis of Atlantis should have sunk entirely or partly under water.
10. When the destruction of Metropolis of Atlantis was Egypt's 9000 years, before the 6th century BC.
11. Part of the Atlantis was as far as 50 stadia (7.5 km) from the city.
12. Atlantis densely populated enough to support a large army (10,000 chariots, 1200 ships, 1.2 million troops)
13. Atlantis is characteristic of religious people sacrificed bulls.
14. The destruction of Atlantis accompanied by an earthquake.
15. After the destruction of Atlantis, cruise lines closed.
16. The elephants live in Atlantis.
17. Not possible processes in addition to physical processes or geological cause of destruction of Atlantis.
18. Many hot springs and cold, with the content of mineral deposits, located in Atlantis.
19. Atlantis is located in the coastal plain measuring 2000 X 3000 stadia, surrounded by mountains which     directly borders the sea.
20. Atlantis master the other countries of his day.
21. Winds in Atlantis blows from the north (only occurs in the northern hemisphere)
22. Atlantis rocks are composed of many colors: black, white, and red.
23. Many irrigation channels are made in Atlantis.
24. Each 5 and 6 years, the population of Atlantis sacrifice a bull.

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