Roro Jonggrang legend of prambanan temple

A popular legend, which was variations thorughout Java, describes the creation of the slender Maiden to a daughter of King Boko, who command an unwanted suitor to build one thousand templet in one night. Assited by spirits, the would be husband had almost accomplished this imposibble task when Roro Jonggrang ordered the village women to begin pounding rice , an activity generally performed at dawn. This spirit, believing dawn was approaching, fled and the angry suitor cursed Roro Jonggrang who turned to and was placed in the temple as the stature of Durga, Shiva’s Formidable consort.
 Bandung Bandawasa, a young man who as a child sit in the hermitage pack Sidik decided to wander looking for life experience. On his way, Bandung met with a group led Darmamaya Penging're fighting with a group led Kalakarung Prambanan.

The row of 15 hectares of land fighting which claimed Kalakarung as his own. In fact the land belonged to the ruling Anglingdriya Penging land.
Knowing the sacred intention Penging groups to build homes for people on the ground that, Bandung decided to defend him on one occasion, Bandung Kalakarung peering into the house and accidentally met with Rara Jonggrang. Both were shocked because they never actually met while helping Bandung pencopetan Rara of action. The meeting turned out to foster feelings of others hearts of both. Feelings of love. But because of hostilities between Penging and Prambanan makes Rara Jonggrang become confused. And the love turned into hatred when Rara Jonggrang know his father, Kalakarung killed in battle and the killer is Bandawasa Bandung, the man she loved.
His anger came increasingly to be at Bandung and apologize to Rara Jonggrang. Bandung even intend to marry the girl, Rara Jonggrang confused and furious. He then proposed requirement would marry Bandung asla made ​​1000 the temple overnight. Everyone was surprised to hear but agreed Bandung. With the help of the King of Jin and his men, Bandung almost managed to complete the temple, when all of a sudden his work was thwarted by the act of Rara Jonggrang who thumped pestle until King Jin cs think dawn has come. They fled, Bandung angry especially when candir who completed totaling 9999. Lack of one another and to fulfill, Bandung menunding Rara Jonggrang been cheating and sneaky, bewitched him into a statue or temple. Bandung-made temple and fulfill a thousand temples.

Template by : Kendhin