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batik |
The first time the batik was used as royals clothes on Java
at the several centuries ago, furthermore batik become averyday clothes for
Javenese community. Although the batik identical with the Javanese traditional
dress, but batik has been the national dress for Indonesian community, moreover
batik famed on overseas. The making use of batik had no longer the traditional
dress only but it follow the fashion development all for men and women.
Moreover batik have been used for interior decoration, home furnishing, etc.
Beside the fungtion of batik as clothes material, batik has
depicted philosophy on the development oh the culture from the period to the
period. Each batik motive depicted the culture of the period when the motive
was created. Batik in the Dutch colonization period often depicted the motive
feature of the flower, the foliage and small animals with clear colours. Batik
in this period was made by the descendant’s women Indo-Netherlands around th
1840 that shows the influence of the Dutch culture or Europe, both in the
motive and his colour.
The motive of Chinese batik had also developed in Indonesia.
The prominent motive was motives of the thick animal with the community’s
Tiongkok myth like Phoenix birds, the dragon, and the lion. Around th 1910,
Chinese motive batik began to be mixed with the Dutch motive for basic and
refined motives.
The most famous Chinese motive batik was the motive of three
countries abd two countries.
Batik in the Japanese occupation era, around th 1942-1945,
normally was acknowledged as Djawa Hokokai Batik. This batik cloth was
especially allocated for the consumer pf the Japanese nation. The motive of
developing batik in this period was the motive of the style that was combined
with the traditional motive like the motive of the Parang, the Lereng ang
Kawung. This motive batik gave the clear impression with clear colours.
Some batik cloth was made in from of the morning in the
afternoon motives purpose. But because of the difficult economic condition, the
two motives are combined into one to reduce themore frugal the cost. As a
result the product can be used on both morning or afternoon.
Palace batik to be known in the 17th age. Motives
of Palace Batik were often influenced by the culture of Hindu, Buddha, Islam ,
and Java.
The motive of Jogja palace batik has more tidy motives
compared with the motive of batik of other palaces in the Java. The motives
were organised geometrically by combining the colour. The other characteristic
is the striking difference of the colour of chocolate and white. This motive
was often used by palace nobles.
Apart from palace batik, the Saudagaran batik developed in
the same period of time. The typical characteristics of the batik were the
modification of the foundation motive of the of palace batik with other
ornaments so that ordinary people can wear the batik motive.
The fast growing batik motive developed not only in, but
also the other area in Indonesia like Klaten, Solo, Wonogiri, Tuban, Cirebon,
Banyumas, Pekalongan, Garut, Indramayu, Madura, and Jambi. The motives of the
batik of Jogja which are created by Jogja’s artists are considered unique and
interesting motive.