Romantic Sunset in Parangtritis

 Romantic Sunset in Parangtritis,
One of the best beaches are much visited by tourists within and from abroad. The beach is strategic enough to see the sunset while welcoming the evening. Lolz ...: D ~
Little did I know about this beach,
Located 27 km south of Yogyakarta city easily accessible by public transportation that operates until 17:00 pk and private vehicles. Afternoon near sundown is the best time to visit the most popular beach in Yogyakarta. From this it can be seen coast to the southern sea area. Disebalah east there is a ruined temple. Gembirawati temple that only a few hundred meters from the beach.
Parangtritis very closely with the legend of Ratu Kidul. Many people believe that Java is the gateway Parangtritis Queen of South magical kingdom who ruled the sea south. Hotel Queen of the South is a luxurious resort that is named according to this legend. Unfortunately this is rarely resorts to open even though used to have a view that could make us breathless.

Template by : Kendhin