What do you see when it will take an object?
What do you want in telling who see through objects that would in take?
Photography, what exactly is the photography?
Maybe some who have advanced or professional can tell already know from the questions above. However, create a new deepen the understanding of art photography little of all the above questions. But for those who do not know, maybe think this is a silly question that boring. It would be nice to know before performing for the work looks beautiful and maybe people can think we photogafer powerful tool that can create a perfect masterpiece.
Discussing about the above questions may be too easy compared to the current practice in making an object image. We can answer easily but at practice, many things are forgotten so that the results are not satisfactory.
What do you want in telling who see through objects that would in take?
Photography, what exactly is the photography?
Maybe some who have advanced or professional can tell already know from the questions above. However, create a new deepen the understanding of art photography little of all the above questions. But for those who do not know, maybe think this is a silly question that boring. It would be nice to know before performing for the work looks beautiful and maybe people can think we photogafer powerful tool that can create a perfect masterpiece.
Discussing about the above questions may be too easy compared to the current practice in making an object image. We can answer easily but at practice, many things are forgotten so that the results are not satisfactory.
The essence of photography actually drawing, writing through the light. In short we talked with the light and wrote with the image.
Before pangambilan an object should be considered out of the object. And try to ask ourselves, whether people will understand the objects that we take in the future. And whether the people will get bored when looking at objects that were taken so that they will see at a glance and will again ask, what's this picture.
Well, then try the background object is not too flashy with the meaning of the word background does not interfere with the focus from the point of view. Often the object that is known is making it a unique look but not see the background so that the image becomes jumbled unpalatable. Because the background of an object can affect the final result image so the image appears dull.
From making positions should also be noted that the object seen alive. There is no harm if the position or making styles are important rather extreme outcome as desired image. For example, when the sun Barada exactly overhead at noon. During that time the sun is very influential in making the position of the object. Very bright light can cause the image will look dim with the meaning of the word color images look a bit pale. But this can be overcome through the application of camera you use. In the case of incoming light settings maybe you can handle.
If everything has looked good turn to your favorite computer and edit a bit for the color look more real.
And another thing, remember that professional photographers are not always able to produce a quality image. Sometimes meraka took it over and over again for the image is clear and focused. So also for the beginners like me, also do not always produce images which sometimes boring if all it note image may look good so people will think we're photographers reliable.
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