POJOK BENTENG or community Yogyakarta often call this building JOKTENG. Building a high rectangle approximately 5 meters, located in downtown Yogyakarta. There are 4 pieces like this and form 4 square around the center of the royal palace. Evidently this building in use as a royal fortress in the first period there is a place where the material with gunpowder and cannon. Built around the year 1755.
But there is one Beteng keemapat between non-intact or almost no spotting again, is on the northeast corner (if pulled from the Sultan's Palace). this building was destroyed in the attack the British army during the reign of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono II, known as event or sensation geger spei Sepoy (SPEI sensation or sensation called Sepoy because at that time the British army under the command of Colonel Gillespie deploy mercenary troops from India, called Sepoy). As a result of the attack was the Sultan's Palace and defeat the kingdom fell into the hands of the British government and lane II finally exiled by the British to the island of Penang.

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