Sonobudoyo Museum


Karsten was the acrhitect of the building. After collecting several collections of cultural objects from the Javanese territory, Madura, Baliand Lombok, finally on November 6th 1935, the Sonobudoyo Museum was declared by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII. The museum occupied the abandoned Schautan office northem part of the north square the Jogja Palace.
Sonobudoyo Museum had 42.698 collection that consisted of 10 categories, namely the collection geologika, biology, ethnography, arkeologika, historika, numismatics, filologika, keramologi, the fine arts and teknologika. Apart from the showroom as the place to display collection objects, the Sonobudoyo Museum is also supplemented with the auditorium, storage the collection, the library, laboratory, preparasi, the affice and the public’s facilities.
On entering the main hall af the museum, the eldest building in the museum comples, you will see three sets of gamelan of the religious Kyai Mendhung (cloud) from the palace of Kasepuhan Cirebon occupied the west side, while 2 gamelan equipment slendro pelog the religious Kyai and Nyai Riris Manis (was made in the period of Sri Sultan HB VI) in Mataram style is in the best east.

Leaving the pendapa or the main hall through pringgitan, a room in that functioned as introductory space. There  is a parsen or krobongan along with the accessories, as equipment for the worship ceremony of the Goddess Sri or the Goddess Rice that gave prosperity. In this introductory room houses the Purwa collection of the letter Puppet, the collection carved Cirebon motive wood, the big Bell from the Kalasan Temple, miniature the Horse Carriage, and the wooden mask. This introductory room had a function of introducing various kind collections, before paying close attention to the ones displayed in the following showroom.
Leaving the inroductory room, Pre the History room displays legacy object of the time pre the history that depicts the way of life as hunting, gathering and foode Islam gathering and ritual activity of ancient mankind. The next room is classical room where the Islam displayed. Historical colecction of the legacy of Hindu-Budhha up to the Islam period, that depicted system society, the language, religion, art, science, equipment lived and system the livehood are displayed there.
Batik room is on the left of the Classical Space. It house the collection of batik, production process, the material, equipment as well as heterogeneous the function of batik that was supplemented with the picture documentation.
After Batik room, colecction of puppet awaits you. In this room visitor can see various exclusive puppet which are not played in the Mahabrata and Ramayana. The puppet can be presented according to the mission of the peformence.
The mask room becomes the place to display the colecction of mask. Here visitor can learn that the function of wooden mask has developed from the ceremony equipment, the peformence or only fine arts only.

Template by : Kendhin