Tribe of Minangkabau in West Sumatra

Discussing about the history of the tribe of Minangkabau in West Sumatra, a lot of which can be seen starting from the formation history of this custom until the system adopted. One of the uniqueness of the Indonesian nation. A little review of stories that explores the basics of the Minangkabau in everyday life.
Starting from understanding the truth according to stories handed down Adat Minangkabau have a saying in the language reads “ Sawah diagiah bapambatang, ladang dibari bamintak, padang dibari baligundi, bukik dibari bakaratau, rimbo dibari bajiluang, nak babezo tapuang jo sadah, nan babiteh minyak jo aia, nak balian kundua jo labu”. It can be mistaken: The norms that govern the values and community structures that distinguish sharply between human and animal behavior in daily life. It can be seen that in Minangkabau all associated with figurative meanings are subtle but have a sense of deep and hard. Adat Minangkabau regulate the behavior of members of the public from the behavior of the smallest detail to the behavior are great. To differentiate human behavior with animal within reach the needs of Biologics in the association of living, the ancestors of the Minangkabau create custom before Islam entered the Minangkabau dipenghujung 14th century. After the Islamic religion entered the Minangkabau society and become a role model, it turns out many of the teachings of Islam have in common with the teachings of Minangkabau Adat, except about the Aqeedah and Shari'ah. In a time not so long accepted by the Adat Minangkabau Islam without causing collisions. It was obvious that the Minangkabau Adat function in daily life are sharply differentiate human and animal behavior, by arranging everything with Minangkabau customary rules, like drinking, eating, sitting, sleeping, bathing, urinating, and a large, standing, walking , hanging out, talking among each other, channeling sex, family, a husband and wife and so governed by the Adat Minangkabau. So in short it is well-mannered people are the ones who behave well in the association who always thought of others, not thinking about the interests of his own. And the system is materinial offspring, according to matrilineal descent.

Values contained in the Minangkabau traditionally there are four, namely: raso (taste), Pareso (check), malu (shame), santun (polite). The four kinds of the above is a manifestation of the character of someone GOOD. So the traditional moral values are: PEKERTI MIND AND HAVE A GOOD SENSE OF SELF IN SHY. Both types are the same teachings with the teachings of Islam. Good manners and noble is everything according to Minangkabau adat which is a fine sturdy rope that connects humans to humans as well. And the shame is the exemplary character that must be owned by everyone men and women who have baliq and resourceful. Loss of shame for the human person lost his self-esteem as well as human dignity, fall into the same animal dignity. Goals to be achieved with traditional practice well and properly described in terms such as the saying goes tribe of Minangkabau " Bumi sanang padi manjadi, Padi kuniang jaguang maupiah, taranak bakambang biak, anak buah sanang santoso, bapak kayo mandeh ba ameh, mamak disambah urang pula, katapi bagantang padi, katangan bagantang padi". This means that the objectives to be achieved according to Minangkabau adat begins first by creating "Bumi sanang", order the small or large communities such as families, communities and nations. With the creation of order in all areas terwujudlah peace and security, which in turn will lead to stability in all fields, which allows to perform development, morale-building materials, the mental-spiritual.
A unique culture has been made for centuries, which flows in a typical path, which the adherents called Adat Minangkabau (tribe of minangkabau).

minangkabau, sumatra, indonesia, padi,

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