Monumen Jogja Kembali

monumen jogja kembali
Monument Yogyakarta Kembali built on June 29, 1985 by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII. Degan traditional ceremonial planting of a buffalo head and laying the first stone.Monument Yogyakarta Back, built on June 29, 1985 by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII. Degan traditional ceremonial planting of a buffalo head and laying the first stone.
The choice of the name "Yogya Kembali" in the broad sense, the functioning government of the Republic of Indonesia and as historical events drawn tetenger Belpengguna army withdrawal from the capital city of Yogyakarta on June 29, 1949 and the return of President Sukarno, Vice President, Head of another State on July 6, 1949 in Yogyakarta. This can be used as a starting point for the Indonesian nation substantially free from the clutches of occupiers in particular and is a decisive milestone for the survival of the State of Indonesia is an independent and sovereign.
Judging from its form conical Yogya Kembali Monument / mountains with a height of 31.80 meters was a picture of "Little Mountain" was placed on a slope of Mount Merapi. Mount Merapi is very meaningful to the people of Yogyakarta both symbolic and factual. Vomit lava of Mount Merapi provide fertility for Yogyakarta and surrounding areas, while the contours in the sky always decorate the skyline of Yogyakarta where people are, of Mount Merapi, also Winongo and Code river that flows through the city of Yogyakarta.
Symbolically with the southern sea (Palace of Queen of South), which serves as the "Yoni", and Mount Merapi as a "Linga" is a belief that is very old and is valid forever. Even while people called Yogya Kembali Monument as a giant cone shiny white lid, in the Javanese tradition cone as if as a mountain that can be connected with the mountains in the shadow puppets, which symbolizes happiness / wealth sanctity and as each episode covers national struggle.
Yogya Kembali Monument located on North Ring Road, protruding hamlets, villages Sariharjo, choosed District, Sleman regency, Yogyakarta. Established on an area of ​​49,920 m2. This location specified by the Sri Paduka Hamengkubuwono IX of which alternative is underlined with the shaft between Mount Merapi - Yogya Kembali Monument - Monument White Pal - Palace - Stage Krapyak - South Sea, which is the "axis of Imaginary" which in reality is still respected by the community Yogyakarta, and according to belief merging of Linga and Yoni will lead to prosperity in this place as a deadline for withdrawal of troops retreated towards the north Belpengguna, business continuity and harmony of urban area of ​​Yogyakarta.
There can be seen all at museumkan heritage. Weapons, car wars, and its other war equipment. And many wall carvings that depict the history of Indonesian independence struggle.
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senjata di monumen jogja kembali                                                        From Jogja With Love 

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