Tips for good photos

Are you one of those people who likes to take pictures but that you take out friends, family, etc.. And the end result is not satisfactory enough for you. For example, their faces shadowed or there is a hard glare. Thus require making repetitive and eventually become saturated and accept the results of a portrait of what it is. Surely everyone does not want that to happen.
There are a few tips that might help us:

Avoid direct sunlight: 
Look for shade or wait until the clouds cover the sun. Direct sunlight is just too hard to photograph. If you want to avoid harsh shadows on your face, find a shade to put your subject in. What shade do is give you a pleasant non-directional light. Give a try at any time and you'll be pleased with the results.

Improve your shutter speed: 
If you are shooting moving subjects such as children, make sure you at least 1/125th shutter speed per second, and preferably 1/250th or faster. This will keep them from running away when they move. You can usually do this automatically by putting your camera into action mode, or sport mode. 

Use your flash: 
I'm sure you noticed that your camera on automatic mode automatically turns off the flash when in a bright environment. You can override this and if you activate the flash you will be surprised with the results. (You can activate the flash by pressing the button that resembles a lightening flash.) Using the flash will brighten up the subject without affecting the background a lot and will fill in shadows created by the sun. 

Use a reflector: 
You can buy special reflectors for photography, but you also have the option of using a piece of white mat board, or reflector to the windshield. You want to position the reflector so that the shine / reflect light to the subject's face in the shadows. The result will be filled in the shadows and even light on your subje

Positioning the subject:  
You must place the subject with their backs turned almost straight toward the sun, and use flash to illuminate the subject. The flash will brighten someone's face, the sun will shine beautifully through their hair and light around will be even a shadow for you. If you do this you also will avoid squinting people do when they have to see the sun. Note You may have to use your hand to lend shade so the sun does not create what is known as lens flare. This will also avoid visible slanted than have people staring at the sun.

Template by : Kendhin