DSLR lens types

DSLR camera lens is divided into several kinds. The simplest is of the type, ie fixed / prime and variable focal range. Zoom lens will also be divided into two, namely the opening constant (fixed f/2.8, fixed f / 4 etc) or a variable opening. From the size of the diameter of the lens there are also two types of DSLR lenses, the lenses for film SLR / DSLR full frame, and lenses with smaller diameter (for APS-C). In terms of technology lenses are also divided into two, with a focus motor (and micro-chip) in the lens and no focus motor (long lens). With so many differences, it is normal that the photographers beginners (like me) become confused when viewing lens on the market, let alone the price can vary from one million to tens of millions.

Zuiko 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5
Is a zoom lens has a focal range that is considered to meet the needs of ordinary wide to tele. Such lenses are able to accommodate the range of normal focal range of 50mm so as to produce a low image distortion, and produce the same perspective as what is seen by the human eye. Normal zoom lens will be more expensive if you have large openings, especially if have a constant f/2.8 aperture profesi0nal belonging to the class.

Nikon AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 VR

Telephoto zoom lens into the lens of one of many people's favorite because of its ability to use photographs of objects that far, plus the price is quite affordable. Not to mention a telephoto lens capable of producing images with good bokeh (thin DOF), you could say almost equal to the results obtained with prime lenses.
But keep in mind that a telephoto zoom lens telephoto focal range of 100mm above, so vulnerable to vibration due to hand shake. For that professionals prefer large aperture telephoto lens stabilizer and added features, so a telephoto lens can still be used in low light conditions.
Telephoto zoom lens is divided into two groups, professional groups and ordinary groups.
For professional telephoto zoom such as:
• Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8
• Nikon AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 (picture above)
• Pentax DA 60-250mm f / 4
• Sony SAL 70-200mm f/2.8
• Olympus Zuiko 90-250mm f/2.8
• 3rd party Recommendation: Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8

Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6

For ordinary telephoto zoom, generally there is a choice 70-300mm (picture above) that focal telenya long and 55-250mm (picture below) is more economical. Note that the economical telephoto lenses have a variable aperture (eg f/4-5.6), so the opening will be much smaller when the lens at maximum zoom. So that this kind of telephoto lenses avoided by professionals because it is difficult reliably at high speed when necessary.

Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6

However, economical telephoto lens like this selling well because it's cheap and the picture is light enough where it is still very good. Be the lens of this kind become a favorite lens for daily needs and for hobbyists.

Tamron 18-270mm f/3.5-5.6 VC

Is the term for a zoom lens with a wide range of capabilities mencover to extreme telephoto, this lens is able to replace some kind of lens that is used practically anywhere. Generally, this lens has a focal range of 18-200mm, although some are able to reach the 18-270mm (see figure above). Some things to consider before selecting a lens of this type:
• This lens practical but quite expensive
• These lenses are only available for the type of variable aperture only
• The ability of the optics of the lens is quite a mediocre (because of the many optical elements in it)
• Try to choose this type of lens that is equipped with an optical stabilizer feature

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