History of photography

Who knows the history of photography, much changed stage by stage. Very long journey of photography. Little information to make you want to know about the history of photography that I read in reliable references.
Starting at -19 th century art history and photography began officially registered with other advances made humans in line with technological advances that are heavily-incessant. In the year 1839 set as the initial year of photography. In that year, in France officially declared that photography is a breakthrough technology. At that time, recording two-dimensional as the eye can be made permanent.
History of photography began long before the Christian era. In the book The History of Photography by Alma Davenport, published by the University of New Mexico Press in 1991, mentioned that in the 5th century BC, a man named Mo Ti was observed a phenomenon. If the wall of a darkened room there is a small hole, then on the inside of the space it will reflected the scene outside the room in reverse through the hole. Mo Ti was the first to realize the phenomenon of camera obscura.

Several centuries later, many people are aware of and admire this phenomenon, some of which is Aristotle in the 3rd century BC and an Arab scientist Ibn al Haitam (Al Hazen) in the 10th century BC, and then try to create and develop tools now known as the camera. In 1558, an Italian scientist, Giambattista della Porta called "camera obscura" in a box that helps painters capturing the shadow image.
According to the Hartoyo Szarkowski, a camera obscura was created by Johannes Keppler in 1611
"By the great Johannes Keppler has Designed a portable camera constructed as a tent, and finaly give a device a name That stuck: camera obscura ... The interior of the tent was dark except for the light admitted by a lens, the image of the which foucussed The scene outside onto a piece of paper. "In 1611 Johannes Keppler make portable camera design that made like a tent, and finally give the name of the tool a familiar name until now: camera obscura ... The situation in the tent was very dark except for a little light captured by the lens, which make up the picture the situation outside the tent on a piece of paper.
In the history of photography in the early 17th-century Italian scientist named Angelo Sala find, when silver nitrate powder subjected to light, the color will turn black. Similarly, Professor of German anatomist, Johann Heinrich Schulse, at 17,127 to experiment and prove that blacken the silver chloride plate caused by light and not by heat is a phenomenon that has been known since the 16th century perhaps even earlier. He demonstrated this fact by using sunlight to record a series of words on silver chloride plates, saying he failed to maintain the image permanently.
Then around the year 1800, an Englishman named Thomas Wedgwood, an experiment to record a positive image of the image on the camera obscura lens (at that time typically Pinhole camera obscura cameras that use only a small hole for entry of light), but the result is very disappointing. Finally he concentrated as well Schulse, create negative images (now known as photograms) with sunlight, the skin or the white paper that has been disaputi silver components.
In the history of photography in the English record Meanwhile, Humphrey Davy experimented further with silver chloride, but the same fate with Schulse. Plate with a quick turn into the black despite being caught through the camera obscura images without lens.
Finally, in 1824, a French artist lithography, Joseph-Nicéphore Niepce (1765-1833), after eight hours exposed to the view from the window kamrnya, through a process called Heliogravure (process works like lithograph) above the metal plate coated with bitumen , successfully gave birth to a somewhat blurry images, managed to also maintain the image permanently. Then he tried to use the camera obscura lens, a process called "heliogravure" in 1826 is what ultimately becomes the true history of early photography. The resulting image is now stored at the University of Texas at Austin, USA.
Feel less satisfied, in 1827 Niepce came to opera stage designer who was also a painter, Louis-Jacques Mande 'Daguerre (1787-1851) to take him to collaborate. And long before the experiment Niepce and Daguerre succeeded, they've predicted that: "the art of photography will become the youngest who was born days."
Unfortunately, before the show optimal results, Niepce died. New on August 19, 1839, Daguerre was named the first person to successfully make the actual photograph. A permanent image on the sheet of silver-coated copper plate iodine solution is irradiated for one and half hour direct light by heating mercury (fluorescent). This process is called the Daguerreotype. To make the image permanent, the plate was washed salt solution and distilled Asir.
January 1839, the inventor of photography by using chemical processes on metal plates, Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre, really wanted to patent it. However, the French government, with based on a variety of political thought, thought that these findings should be distributed to the entire world for free. So, when it original manual Daguerre then spread throughout the world despite half-heartedly accepted due to the complexity of the work to be done.
Photography then develop very rapidly. According to the Hartoyo Szarkowski, the world's major architects of modern photography is an entrepreneur, namely George Eastman. Through his company called Eastman Kodak, George Eastman developed by creating and selling photographic roll film box camera and a practical, in line with developments in the world of photography through improved lens, shutter, film and photo paper.
In 1950 began to use a prism for easy shot on camera Single Lens Reflex (SLR), and in the same year Japan began to enter the world of photography with Nikon camera production. In 1972 began to be marketed Polaroid camera invented by Edwin Land. Polaroid camera capable of producing images without going through the process of developing and printing film.
References from WIKIPEDIA

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