Final term project of art images

Actually I wanted to end the article on the art of drawing and will begin to focus on articles about art, culture area, but none the less it seems in this picture diseni ending. I want to make a final article about the art of drawing by remembering a little of terms of art images. Nothing wrong with reading, remembering.
The following is a term that is often at the mention in the art of drawing:

A: Stands for auto, which is a password for automatic selection of facilities. That is, if the selector is rotated into position, opening the diaphragm will work automatically after the photographer to choose a speed (shutter speed) or vice versa.

AF: stands for auto focus, namely how to work the camera without requiring the photographer himself twirling inventor focus (distance). This system works after the photographer pressing the "on" in the command focus.

AL servo AF: autofocus option suggestion that used to take pictures objek2 move. Effective choice for shooting sports.

Angle of view: The angle of view, neither the shooting angle. How to view and retrieve the object to be photographed

Aperture diaphragm: That is the hole where the light from the lens into the camera above the film.

Aperture priority auto exposure (A): Automatic Lighting diaphragm aperture priority. If the aperture diaphragm is set prior dahaulu, shutter speed will work automatically.

Artificial light: Light manmade used to photograph such as the flash, fire, etc..

Asa: Stands for American Standard Association. Namely the sensitivity standard film. His understanding with the ISO, only first names are commonly used ASA American region. Velocity measured aritmatis.

Programed Auto Program Auto (P): automatic facility to choose the normal programmed lighting and high speed (high speed), depending on the use of short focal-length lens.

Auto Winder: A bike that is useful to advance the film automatically and quickly without having cocked diengkol, nor the first. Often used by sports photographer who gave priority, neither the fast-moving objects.

Back light: Light from behind, the light coming from behind the object. This light direction opposite the camera position. In general, the resulting effect can create a silhouette; object image surrounded by "rim light" or cahya located around the object. Light effects can be detrimental to the photographer because if the lens will cause flare.

Bayonet: a lens holder system which only requires a rotation of less than 90 degrees to do the replacement lens.

Birds eye view: The angle of view in a photo shoot that is similar to what diliat a bird in flight.

Blitz: Flash or flashgun. This tool is a functioning artificial light replace the sun cahya role in the shooting. To capture the flash needs a certain speed has been adjusted (synchronized) with the camera. The light flash is generally can be caught by speed cameras 1 / 60 sec.

Blitzlichtpulver: The origin of the flash. Made from a powder mixture including magnesium and potassium chlorade that can emit light when lit.

Blur: blur the image because all or part of a deliberate movements or inadvertently during the shooting and the effect size of the diaphragm. This happens for example when panning or zooming technique that uses a low speed.

Bottom light: The light from under the object, also called 'base light'. Usually used as a light filler from the front. Its function is to reduce the contrast of the main light.

Bounce Flash: Light reflection. Indirect light emitted from the light source (flash). The most effective way is to try is another corner of reflected light beam before the light of the shooting object. Lighting technique is suitable to produce the soft radiation.

Bracketing: A shooting technique is the same as providing a combination of different lighting on an object (in addition to the measurement of normal lighting).

Built-in diopter: Regulatory diopters (plus or minus lens) which is mounted on the camera sights. Useful for bespectacled photographer.

Bulb, B (ulb) bulb: Means a very slow shutter speed dikamera used to photograph the object. Long opened the shutter is determined by the photographer, by pressing and then release pressure on the shutter button.

C: Abbreviations of continuous, that is the password contained in the camera. Its function is declared the use of shooting images in a row with a certain speed (typically 3 frames per second).

Candid camera: photographs or portraits made in a way so that the object image sembunyi2 not realize it. This method usually produces images that seem reasonable or no communication alami.umumnya antrara photographer and photo foto.keberhasilan object is determined by the skills of the photographer reveals that Karen pesannya.oleh photographer should be extra diligent, observant, careful and patient.

CCD: Abbreviation of charge coupled devices, namely filmyang replacement chips used in digital cameras to record images (image)

Center of focus: Center of attention. Often also called the center of interest or focus of interest. Limelight and create a message to convey technical photographer physically depicted in the photo.

Center weight: Measurement of light directed only at 60 percent of the area center of the image (field) images.

Coating: Delivery of a thin layer on the surface of lensa.Fungsinya resist light reflection and protects the lens from a variety of hazards, mjsalnya mushrooms.

Cold tones: cool tone colors; blue-gray with a light color tone.

Color balance: The balance of color.

Composition: The composition, the placement or preparation bagian2 an image to form a unity in a particular field so pleasing to the eye.

Continuous light: The flash used to photograph, the light can be lit continuously (repeatedly).

Contrast: Contrast. In general, the contrast is defined as the difference in gradation, brightness, or tone (color) between the dark area (shadow) with bright field, or a striking white color once on the object.

Cropping: Solidified / cutting images in the photo or something that is printed by removing certain bagian2 less than desirable.

Density: Density or concentration within. Menyatakn term thick-thin layer of silver attached to the film. The more intense a color, the more dark and heavy color.

Depth: depth, namely the dimensional effect that arises because there are differences in acuity.

Depth of field: the part that looks sharp (not blurred) and clearly, within a certain range. Usually referred to as the space sharply.

Diaphragm: the diaphragm, the hole in the lens where the light entering the camera during shooting. Aperture is formed from thin metal kepingan2 located within or behind the lens. Can be shortlisted or dilated.

Distortion: distortion, ie deviation form. In common with pemotrtan with wide angle lenses.

Fill in Flash: Flash did filler. In the shooting conditions that do not require flash,
This lamp remains lit to illuminate the dark parts of the object, such as shadows in outdoor shots.

Film: The media to record images. Images made on the basis of a flexible and transparent.
The film consists of a thin layer containing light-sensitive emulsion, on the basis of a flexible and transparent. Emulsion itself consists of silver halide, the light-sensitive compounds.

Film Frame Counter: The counter number of movie frames. Detection framed showing the number of films that have been unused.

Film transparency: color slides or color reversal film, which is commonly used positive film
for purposes of advertising, press, etc.. The goal is to get the sharpness and good color pictures.

Filter: Filter in a glass (or other opaque material) which has the average thickness, mounted on the end of the tube lens.

Fix Lens: Lens fix, which has a focal length lens (point fire) single, fixed viewpoint.

Flash: Flash, which is a type of artificial light that is able to provide light that can be controlled.

Flash exposure compensation: Compensation flash lighting, which is an alternative way to make lighting more or less by using the flash.

Focus Ring: The point of the fire or meeting beam / light through the lens after biased or reflected.

FPS: frames persecond stands for, namely unit shooting in images per second.

GN: Abbreviation of the guide number, ie the transmit power of the flash light which is the multiplication of the distance (meters taau preformance feet), and diaphragm.

High angle: high views. that is, the photographer is at a higher position than the object image.

High-Key photos: designation for a photograph that dominated shades of white.

High light: the bright parts of an image because of light reflection.

Honeycomb: A device or an additional tool shaped like a wasp nest.

Hot shoe: hot shoes. on the top of the camera, works to install an electronic flash.

Image: the image formed on film or on a curtain observer.

Incident light metering: Measurement of light falls, which is a strong measure of light that illuminates the object.

Infinity: infinite distance with a sign on the distance scale.

Infrared: infrared, the red light outside the spectrum.

ISO: stands for International Standards Organization, which is the body authorized to make standards for the category of film used in the world.

JIS: stands for japan industrial standard, the size of the sensitivity of the film, like a desperate used in Japan.

Lens: Lens, which is a tool consisting of several mirrors that change the object into the shadow that is inverted, scaled, and real.

Lens Hood: lens hood used to cover the front lens element of the light entering frontally. Cahya like this will cause flare effects (spots of white light) in photos.

Light Contrast: Contrast of light, the sensitivity level of light produced by a source of light. The most affecting the contrast of light is the size of the source cahya.

Light meter: Measuring the strength of the light. Usually used in the shooting to determine the velocity of the diaphragm or at any lighting condition.

Long Shot: The wide angle of view that give more attention to the object of shooting with a way to separate them from the background that may interfere.

Low angle: low vision, that is the point of view in a photo shoot with photographer position lower than the object of shooting. Produce images as if the object is higher than the original.

LT: Long-time exposure, is equal to the length of lighting for example 2 seconds or more.

Macro: Macro. Understanding macro in is advice for shooting at close range. recording the macro will produce the object (on film) that is equal to the original object (1:1), or at least half of the original object (1:2). However, zoom lenses have facilities to produce recordings of the original object objects one-fourth (1:4) also have said macro.

Macro Lens: Macro lenses, the lens used for photographing small objects or shooting at close range (closer objects). Generally used for reproductive purposes because it can provide excellent quality and minimal distortion.

Magnification: Enlargement. Measured from the film images with a comparison of the original size of the object.

Main Light: The main beam in a shooting that usually originates from the front of the object. Usually used to display the form or face object.

Medium format cameras: medium format cameras, SLR cameras are the type that use this type of film 120 mm. Compared with small-format camera, this camera has the advantage in the enlarged prints.

Medium shoot: The view that more has led to a basic theme with the background of a rather avoid. Can be used for shooting berobjek person, limited kira2 hips upwards.

Metering: Pattern measurement of light that is usually divided into 3 categories: center weight, evaluative / matrix and spot

Center weight metering: Pattern measurement of light using 60 percent of the area center of the image

Matrix Metering: Pattern of measurement light based on the segments and a certain percentage

Spot Metering: Pattern of light measurement using a single centralized point.

MF: stands for manual focus, which means sharpening or focusing is done manually.

Microphotography: using a small film, with the aid of a microscope.

Monopod: backrest or one-legged camera support. Function helps retain unsteadiness. Sometimes called "unipod"

ND Filter: ND Filter, which filters that reduce the power of light to function as much as 2 to 8 times.

Nebula Filter: Filter that produces images with effects berpelangi radial rays.

Non-reflex camera: non-reflex camera that does not use rotating mirror. An example is the compact camera or camera directly so (Polaroid)

Normal lens: Lens focus length of normal-sized, 50 mm or 55 mm, for size 35 mm film. The angle of view similar to the human eye viewpoint.

Obscura: The origin of today's cameras. The principle is in a dark room covered with holes (pin holes). If the camera obscura exposed to the object illuminated by, an inverted projection image of the object will appear on the wall opposite the hole.

Optical Sharpness: sharpness of the optical, ie a sharpness that can be achieved because of good quality lens.

Optics: with respect to vision (light, lenses, etc.)

Overexposure: excess lighting. Section shadow looks dark (no details) so that the negative looks totally black. If concentrations exceed the limits of this section, the printed photo will be abu2; the high will be white.

Overhead lighting: light from above. Lamp or radiation designed to illuminate the object from above.

Override: Deviations from the automatic settings. The goal is that the photographer can set the camera manually.

Polarizing COLOR FILTER: filter consisting of a sheet of gray and polarisator polarisator colors, there are various color combinations that can be used for certain effects.

Polarizing CONVERSION FILTER: filter consists of a sheet polarisator with color conversion filter (85B). Usually also used for this type of Kine camera, allowing the tungsten film is used to sunny days and have effects such as polarization filters.

Polarizing FIDER FILTER: filter consisting of two linear PL filter are combined into one. The number of incoming filter can be adjusted by turning the ring filter.

Circular polarizing FILTER: Filters are made of sheet polarisator quarter wave linear and keeping Retardation, dilapi between the two filter bands. The effect is similar to the polarization filter, normally used for camera Kine.

Polarizing FILTER: Filter polarization, are used to eliminate the reflection of all the shiny surface. This filter consists of two parts, one with the other parts can be twisted around untukmendapatkan eliminate most ideal angle of reflection, adding color saturation and penetrates atmospheric haze. Also useful for blueing sky.

POP UP FLASH: Flash did made little or blend with the camera.

FANTASY RAINBOW FILTER: Filter with a core circle and the rest contain the prism normal. Each file will be trimmed rainbow rays.

SHUTTER: It is curtain that replaces manual functions on the front cover lens, the size can be adjusted as needed.

SHUTTER Gap: Rana crack vertical and horizontal and is located on the camera. What vertial close vertically and a horizontal closed horizontally.

SHUTTER CENTRE: Rana located on the lens, adjacent to the diaphragm. Closed it with concentric manner.

RELEASE CABLE: Cable connector with shutter that allows the photographer pressing the shutter from a distance of several meters from the camera.

RELOADABLE FRAMER TO LAST: Facility to restore films that have been rolled up in the middle of the last position in use.

Rembrandt LIGHTING: The light coming from windows or lighting is often also called a window. The light coming from an angle of 45 degrees. Lighting comes from the name of the Dutch painter Rembrandt.

REMOTE: A tool that allows photographers to emphasis the shutter from a distance by connecting wirelessly stream.

RESOLUTION: The power split. A powerful dust properties lens with the ability to present the detailed subtlety of the image after the film was developed (processed).

Retina: light sensitive membrane of the eyes or one brand of camera camera output.

Retouch: Change, its repair or add color by hand or brush, or also at this time with a computer such as painting to produce images of good and flawless as ever.

REVERSE ADAPTER: An appliance connector used to take pictures when using the camera lens is reversed so that the element behind the lens facing the object. With this tool we can make using ordinary lenses to make shooting macro with good results.

Curtain SECOND SYNC: The facility to turn on the light-flash just before the shutter closes.

SELF adjusting: Adjustment (self).

SELF TIMER: Penangguh time. A lever is used for slow to open the camera shutter release button while the camera has been pressed. Usually used to take self. Suspension of time generally ranges from 10 seconds.

SENSE OF DESIGN: A feeling for composition. Aesthetics in Nirmana flat color.

Sepia TONER: Dyes brown / amber.

SEQUENCE: Sequence. A series of several shots (shot) which covers the same event. Each different shots just within seconds.

SHADE: Devotions, shapeless shadow.

SHADOW: Field dark / black or shadow in a photograph in the form of a looming object.

SHAPE: Field, a form of two-dimensional aspect that occurs not only because of the appearance of lines, either triangle, circle, ellipse, etc.. But in addition it can also be formed by a field of color because of a impression of three-dimensional shapes that have a volume.

Sharpness: The sharpness of the film, which is an ability of film to record each line of sight is captured with good sharpness. This sharpness is determined by the number of lines per millimeter.

SIDE LIGHT: Light from the side, the light coming from the side of the object, either left or right and can be placed at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. Such lighting effects that produce images with striking photographs of the surface or object and the creation of three-dimensional impression. Typically used to display photographs of character, for example, portrait photos (portrait).

SIDE LIGHTING: Rays in the shooting coming from the direction of the right or left side - 90 degrees calculated from the viewpoint of the camera. Direction of the beam as this will produce photos with detail and texture of the object well. The resulting shadow will reveal more interesting shapes with half of face half again bright and dark.

Single Lens Reflect: single lens reflex (RLT), is a camera that has one lens to shoot that uses mirrors and prisms. The lenses serve to continue the shadow of the object to the sight and forward them to the movies. What looks on the observer window just like what happened to film or photograph.

SINGLE POINT READING: A reading of the measurements in the lighting done only at one particular point or most important part of an object image.

SINGLE servo autofocus (S): The password when you are aiming an object and has depressed the shutter button halfway, then the distance between the camera with the object is locked until the button is pressed followed until recorded one shot.

SCALE: Comparison of the main objects with other objects in the picture.

Slave UNIT: electric eyes that turned on the light-flash because the pulse produced by light-flash menyalanya other.

SMALL FORMAT CAMERA: The camera has small format SLR camera types (Single Lens Reflect), which uses 35 mm film-sized yet flexible and easy to hold and lightweight. Therefore this camera is the most widely used by the photographers. Type and size of the movie is very easy to obtain also the film especially for those who use negative type film. But his shortcomings, to a large printing results, the maximum-sized magazine.

SNAPSHOT: Shot spontaneously, without a model arranged in advance. This method is generally used to create images of human interest, resulting in photos that they are not impressed and natural-looking artificial.

SNOOT: A cone-shaped tool with a hollow at the tip and used to reduce the spread of light from the flash studio. Generally produce light that looks rounded when projected on a flat surface.

SNOW CROSS, STAR SIX FILTER: A clear glass with strokes that intersect forming stars tailed six from each point of light.

SOCKET: The hole where the insert cable that connects the flash sync with the lid.

SOFT SCREEN (Lens): Lenses are useful to avoid the contrast so that the pictures seem as if a little fuzzy with sides that do not seem firmness limit.

SOFT FOCUS LENS: Lens is powerless painting softly.

SOFT SPOT FILTER: Filter characterized as soft screen but produce different images.

SOFT TONE FILTER: Filters that aims to create an image without degrading the sharpness of the soft landscape and change the color, nor does it change the shape. Contrast also be tender without blurring the view.

Solarize: The process of making pictures by way of giving radiation twice on photo paper or film and put it in the developer solution. In the middle of the image is performed irradiation with white light once again and continue its development.

SONAR autofocus: autofocus system that works based on round trip sonar sound - from the camera to the object back to the camera.

SPECIAL EFFECT: Special effects by using specific techniques.

SPECIAL EFFECT FILTER: Filter (filter) special effects are basically not filter because its function does not filter anything but change the view to achieve the results that deviate from the usual shooting.

SPECIAL Lens: special lenses used exclusively for special purposes. For example, fish eye lens (fish eye lens - 180 degrees). which is basically not a filter because its function does not filter anything but change the view to achieve the results that deviate from the usual shooting.

SPECIAL PURPOSE Lens: Lens special purpose designed and created for the purpose of earning a special image that is usually hard to do with ordinary lenses.

SPECIAL FILTER: bright plastic piece contains thousands of soft prism that turns each point of light into a rainbow star and rainbow-edged beam. Strong beam forming stars with thick rainbow files.

SPECTRUM: the visible beam oelh eye, solved by the refracting prism of colors.

Speedlight: Light-flash lights that have a high-speed or faster.

Speedo solarization: A darkroom techniques other versions of the technique of solarization (sabattier effect) on the film ortholith which will provide a fast motion effects (Speedo).

STEREO CAMERA: The camera lens are two that produce two images at once. Two photographs must be observed with a tool or a stereo-viewer to get such a depth effect when photographed.

STILL LIFE: Meaning painting or photograph of inanimate objects. specifically placing small objects made by human beings as its object.

STOP: Units that showed a shift in the value of diaphragm aperture or shutter speed from one value to another value, up or down. For instance, from the diaphragm f: 16 to f: 22 or the speed of 1 / 125 second to 1 / 250 sec.

STOP BATH: Liquid shut-off. Shut-off solution to instantly stop or hold the developer (developer) on film or photo paper. Besides useful to stop the process that occurs, stop bath also serves as a fixer solution which makes film and photo prints more durable.

STRIPPING FILM: Film that can be separated from the base seluloidnya.

Strobe: The lamp with the ability to highlight a barrage with a short time interval.

Subtractive: System for preparing the color balance by reducing the elements of color, a reversal of additives or added.

SUPER WIDE Lens: super wide angle lenses are commonly used for architectural photography, interior, exterior, views, etc.. For example, lens 15 mm, 17 mm.

SYNC CORD TERMINAL: Terminal synchronization-flash lamp; sockets to install additional cables that are connected by light-flash.

SYNC SPEED SHUTTER: Shutter speed is synchronized with the flash.

Syncro: automatic switch. By using this switch on the flash so if there is another flash of light the flash will cause menyalanya syncro flash installed.

TABLE-STAND: Leg three (tripod) small. Back of the camera which helps keep rocking that is used on the table.

Texture: Texture, surface properties or material properties., Is an element of visual art which is very important because it is able to give the impression of "feeling" like smooth, rough, shiny, etc..

TELE CONVERTER: additional lens placed between the original lens and camera body, which can alter the normal lens to telephoto and telephoto lenses to long telephoto. Generally, the increments of two or three times the distance of the lens focal origin.

TELE Lens: Telephoto lenses are used to enlarge the object to be photographed. This lens can be used to obtain sharp short space. Especially for shooting portraits (portrait) lens using as this will result in the perspective of the face that close to the original. For example: lens of 85 mm, 135 mm lens, 200 mm lens, etc..

Telephoto Lens: telephoto lens, which has a focal length lens. Making shadow (image) at telephoto lens is shorter when compared with other lenses.

Telephoto MEDIUM: medium telephoto, telephoto lens types that have a length between 75-135 mm.

TEST STRIP: A way to get good printing results (normal), which is done by making lighting-story at the time of print before actually printing.
Tilt HEAD: The ability of the head-lights flash to be played. Its function is to obtain a soft lighting effect by reflecting the first light out of the light-flash. The strong light falling into the object depends on the reflector surface, color and distance.
SWITCH TIMER: timer which will cut off the electricity at the end of the count that has been determined.

Top Light: Light (from) above. Light coming from above the object. Usually used to illuminate the top of the head model to be photographed. The direction of light can also display the detail object.

Transparent: Penetrating the surface of an object is of view that does not impede the view to see objects behind him. Glass and plastic for instance is transparent.

Translucent: Translucent light. But we do not usually see the objects behind the translucent object. For example, frosted glass, frosted glass, milk glass, plastic grim, and so on.

Transparency: Transparent, translucent images, slides or film positive.

Tripod: The foot-three. A device used to prop the camera-shaped foot-three, which can lengthen and shorten as you wish (limited). Usually used to help overcome the rocking during a photo shoot using telephoto lenses, or that use a low speed so that the camera position remains stable and avoid rocking photo shoot.

Tripod Socket: Place (threaded) for a tripod. A section on the camera, usually hollow with a screw in it, which is useful to attach a tripod or place the foot-three cameras.

TTL: Stands

Through the Lens Metering. : The measurement system of light through the lens. Also called OTF (Off the film metering). The camera must be filled movie to get an accurate measurement. Or another way of replacing it with opaque paper that is placed on cross window film that should cover the entire window. If not, then it will get the wrong measurement calculations because the sensor in the camera will read the film pressure plate black.

Tungsten Film: The film is specially designed for shooting that is done by artificial light with ordinary light or photo-flood, but also still be used for shooting under natural light.

Twin Lens Reflex: Twin Lens Reflex. The camera has two lenses. The lens serves to capture the object reflected by the mirror through the window of sight, one lens serves to capture the object to be forwarded to the movie. Using this type of camera should be extra careful because there is often called parallax error at close range shooting.

FOCAL VARIO Lens: A zoom lens. Long-focus lens that can have changed or can be shifted. For example: lens 20-35 mm, 35-70 mm lens, 80-200 mm lens, etc..

VARIO Lens: Lens vario or often referred to as a zoom lens. That is a lens that has a long range focus which can be varied or modified. Thereby facilitate the photographer to choose the various spaces of view by simply dragging them off the lens or play them.

VERTICAL GRIP: Tools shutter release for vertical shots without having to play the hand.

VIEW CAMERA: The camera that uses large format film and is used for shooting purposes that require sharp detail on the printing results of a large photograph commonly used in the studio for shooting still life because it can fine-tune perspective and increase the space sharply. Detailed pictures can be displayed perfectly.

VIEW FINDER: viewfinder. Part of a camera that functions as a place of eyes saw the shadow of the object you want to capture.

Waist LEVEL FINDER: sights waist.

WARM TONE: warm toned. A color that felt not too blinding eye, or dark brown in color in the direction toward the black.

WATTS / SECOND (W / S): unit of power at the studio flash is distinguished by using portable flash GN. There is no relevance between the formulation of W / S and GN, but 100 W / S is almost comparable with GN = 30.

WIDE ANGLE Lens: wide angle lens, such as lens 20 mm or 24 mm. Type of lens with a short body that is used to capture a wide panorama or for shooting large numbers of people. This lens showed a smaller image.

WIDE SHOT: Shooting with a wide viewing angle. Usually a single long shots early in a sequence. The goal is to lead the audience in the next scene in the motion picture (movie).
WIRELESS TTL: Measurement system through the lens without using cables.

EYE WORM: Views of worms. Means shooting from the viewpoint of the ground surface. The result is a recording of images with high impression that extreme, the picture was unique because such a viewpoint.

ZONE SYSTEM: A way to produce images with a contrast level that starts from pitch-black tone to white tone once.

ZOOM Lens: A zoom lens. Type of lens that has the elements that can move up to make the focal length varies. Long-focus can be changed by shortening or stalling tube lens.

ZOOM-Blur: blur image caused by movement of the zoom on the camera shutter release time.

Zooming RING: Bracelet vario range limit on the lens zoom.

hopefully can be useful for all readers

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