The lens has an important role

The lens is the most important election in when shooting. The lens has a crucial role for the object image can look smooth not rough. Without the camera lens is not able to read that are directed in front of him. Here is an explanation of the lenses that we often hear might just hear the brand name alone.

Lens Diameter
First, based on the diameter of the lens, now there are two general classes, namely:

• full-frame lens (35mm)
For full-frame lens, optical diameter larger than the crop sensor lenses. This is because the full-frame lenses are designed to be used in full-frame digital SLR and 35mm film SLR. In the market, we need to recognize the code that shows the full-frame lens, such as EF for Canon, Nikon FX for, DG for Sigma.

• crop sensor lens
While crop sensor lenses are smaller, designed for DSLR with a sensor smaller than full-frame sensor, which is APS-C sensors (Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Sony) and sensor Four Thirds (Olympus). This lens has a diameter smaller than fll-frame lens, but still has the same mounting design. That is, we could have put this lens on crop sensor DSLR full frame, but on the picture will have a circle on the outside of the image (vignetting) due to sensor size is larger than the diameter of the lens. Crop sensor lens is identified by code such as EF-S for Canon, Nikon DX to DC for Sigma, DA for Pentax.

Type of lens focal
Judging from the type of lens, there are two main groups of primes (prime) and zoom lens. Very simple, fixed lens means has only one focal length value, while the zoom lens can be changed from shortest to longest focal. Zoom lens itself is divided over several focal range, such as wide zoom, normal zoom and tele zoom. There is also a broom lens universe, aka can play from wide to telephoto zoom practical for travel. As prime lens / fix, which only had one lens focal value, eg 35mm, 50mm, 100mm and so on. The lens of this type generally have a large maximum aperture, eg f/1.4 or f/1.8, so suitable for use during low light. Although there are various options fixed focal lens on the market, but the most popular is because it has a 50mm lens focal with normal perspective.
The attraction of primes are:
• relatively cheap
• Small and lightweight
• very sharp image results
• because it has a large opening, can produce a thin DOF
• because it has a large opening, can be relied upon to low light
The thing that is less pleasant than this prime lens is the lens can not change focal focal position so as to change we must go forward or backward toward the object.

Wide zoom lens
Wide zoom lens is a zoom lens has a focal range from 10mm wideangle to 30mm, making it suitable for landscapes and architecture, although less suitable for portraits because of the distortion. The appeal of such a wide zoom lens: • capable of producing images with a wide angle with the impression and dramatic • suitable for professional and commercial needs However, wide zoom lens is sold at a relatively expensive because of the high level of difficulty in designing such lenses.

Template by : Kendhin