Animals historic for Minangkabau society

adu kabau
Spain is famous for Matador, bullfighting made angry with red cloth by the matador. In contrast again with West Sumatra, Minangkabau society uses for buffalo but pitted. Buffalo who is a survivor, he was the winner. Even more unique again in advance if it wins ten times the water buffalo in a row, they will be slaughtered buffalo and horns will be decorated by the owner. But all the activities that have long existed from the time there's grandma moyong why historical origins could happen until now. A little history that I read and read in trusted references I want to tell about the history of the people fighting the buffalo from Minangkabau, West Sumatra, Indonesia.
In the past Domains Minangkabau kingdom received threats from a strong attack from the area of ​​Java. To avoid a physical battle that would consume a lot of casualties, the Minangkabau conduct diplomacy and proposed that the war was replaced by a water buffalo race. The proposal was approved by the king of Java, then dikirimlah great and mighty buffalo. From Minangkabau prepared but a thirsty child water buffalo.

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Sarunai Batang Padi or RICE STEM flute

Sarunai Batang Padi
There is another wind instrument music instrument made ​​of rice straw which was formerly used when the current rice harvest underway. This music instrument used by society Minangkabau, West Sumatra.
Pupuik (crowbar) Bars Rice also called Sarunai Batang Padi or rice stem flute, a kind of wind instrument popular in Minangkabau. In the past when the harvest comes, whistle rice stalks join the community entertain tired after harvesting rice in the rice fields. Device is an old rice stalks that have a book. Vocal cords are made near the base of books by breaking up and grind it carefully. 

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Songket is derived from the region of West Sumatra

pandai sikek
Producing kinds of woven fabric called songket is derived from the region of West Sumatra. Unlike more way of making with what we know painted batik. When we called Clever Sikek, usually the thought is songket. Yes, this place is already synonymous with songket. In fact, the man himself did not call it clever Sikek songket but weaving. The reason, which is referred to cotton yarn and gold thread which is woven by hand, on a device called panta to become fabric, cloth or fabric balapak bacatua used baralek pie, namely at the wedding.

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Ngalau Indah Payakumbuah City

ngalau indah
One more tourist areas is quite challenging and interesting to look at. A cave located in hilly areas in the City Payakumbuh, West Sumatra. Named Grotto Belle .... Grotto Belle is the name of a cave on the slopes of hills located in the City Payakumbuh. Inside are stalagmites and stalactite rock formed from limestone deposition process that lasted hundreds of years. Both kinds of stone carving has a wide variety of shapes, with amazing ornaments, such as: space bedroom, chair, mosquito nets and so forth.
The specialty of this place when the top perbukitaan around the grotto, tourists can see the panoramic city Payakumbuh unfold in front of the eye. The combination of building urban areas, green trees and vast expanse of paddy fields is a unity of Payakumbuh sheen.

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Final term project of art images

Actually I wanted to end the article on the art of drawing and will begin to focus on articles about art, culture area, but none the less it seems in this picture diseni ending. I want to make a final article about the art of drawing by remembering a little of terms of art images. Nothing wrong with reading, remembering.
The following is a term that is often at the mention in the art of drawing:

A: Stands for auto, which is a password for automatic selection of facilities. That is, if the selector is rotated into position, opening the diaphragm will work automatically after the photographer to choose a speed (shutter speed) or vice versa.

AF: stands for auto focus, namely how to work the camera without requiring the photographer himself twirling inventor focus (distance). This system works after the photographer pressing the "on" in the command focus.

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5 composition landscape

These 5 tips will not show the rules discussed-to-death-thirds. However, for those looking for something in the rule of thirds, remember this rule: Do not place your subject right in the middle of the frame unless you're aiming for symmetry (see the next tip below).

Symmetry vs. Asymmetry
Decide whether you want photos to be symmetrical, or asymmetrical. Few errors in composition (eg crooked horizon) will dilute the effect of the image. Some images benefit from asymmetry, which means that the left side are dramatically different from the right side. Asymmetry works well for images where you want to emphasize the differences between the two elements in the picture.

Yes, time plays a part in the composition of the landscape photos as well. Timing of elements in the picture, including choosing the right moment to click the shutter. I wrote a scene in my DSLR for a nice clear day. The sun cast some interesting shadows on the floor of the bridge, but I wanted something more. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned and saw a farmer walking toward me. I waited for him to cross the bridge a little more, and click the shutter. It makes the picture more interesting than if I had shot just a bridge only.
Time also includes choosing the right time today to shoot. You can use the shadow objects to lead the attention of visitors to the main subject which is on full display. Type shadow only appears when the sun is at certain angles (see my post in the ratio of light for landscapes).

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Selecting photographic lense equipment for the holidays

When you pack photographic equipment for the holidays, it's hard to decide what to take. You want to take enough to get a good photo, but not so much so that the weight you down or takes up too much space in your luggage. If you're going on vacation with specific photographic intention in mind, like safari, it is relatively easy to decide what lens to take. But if you're going to go on vacation to the city or state standards, where you may find many different photographic situations, it would be difficult to determine the lens to take, and who left at home.
This article covers a few different options you might want to consider when deciding which lens you should take to use with your digital SLR camera on vacation.

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Composing a Portrait

The principle point of interest
Each image requires the main point of interest, and in the eyes of a portrait is usually the subject.
The main point of interest may not be dead in the center of the frame: this is too static and symmetrical. Imagine a line running through the eyes of the subject, and one in the 90 ° runs through the nose and chin to form a cross. The best position for this cross slightly above the horizontal center of the frame, and slightly to the left or right of vertical center. Is the cross a little to the left or right depending on which way the subject is looking. If they are looking to the left, there should be more background to the left, so that the cross is put right center. Conversely, if they seek to right, the cross should be placed to the left. This helps prevent the viewer's eyes from the drawn out of the picture when the following subject line of sight. When the subject is facing directly into the camera, consider the shoulder. Here the aim should be to have a little more space in front of the subject rather than behind them. So, if the right shoulder is the nearest camera, frame shot so that their eyes are also the right of center. Back to the cross to imagine the face, if this portrait, the portrait will look very formal. It's often a good choice for a more mature subjects. Tilting the cross to either side to create a diagonal axis with the feature, which shows the vitality of the movement, and often best for younger subjects.

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Outdoor Photography Tends to be the best of Indoor Photography

Almost all qualified photographers must have knowledge of proper operation of the best ways to create an image of a beautiful and artistic portraits. Images can be utilized in the studio at a location outside the home the same time to increase the attractiveness of natural panorama. Outdoor images can usually be more challenging to take as digital photographers have to work together with sunlight and weather conditions. However, professional photographers should be able to effectively ensure the sun and the types of conditions and employ them to their advantage to take a family portrait photos are amazing.

Choosing a backdrop for outdoor family portrait you can more easily than it appears. Each subject contrasting background, such as Christmas tree or just a fence, can supply the right amount of coverage and color for photos. Any unwanted objects in the scene need to be removed. In great condition, the sunlight really have to come from in the back of the topic, generally coming from the side. Time of day and perspective can provide the type sun darkened area just a more spectacular lighting effects.

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Being a portrait photographer

You may be surprised to know that having the absolute best portrait lens Canon is not part of the most vital to get the perfect portrait. But class lens will no doubt go a long way toward making you the big picture.
Being a portrait photographer who really can be quite glamorous career. If you are good and make the right connections, you can be in the company of some very famous people. This will be a much better way than the paparazzi, which is not very highly regarded in the business of photography. You really can find a unique niche in the photographic portrait.

Use Depth of Field To Improve Your Portrait

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The most important portrait

portrait menu
Portrait photography related to the pictures that capture a person or group of people where facial expressions, the atmosphere at that time the subject's personality and special features are highlighted. good portrait is a picture made up of a person or group in a still position. Portraits are generally taken to remember the date or special occasion like a wedding, a graduation, birthday or reunion.

When it comes to portrait photography it can be done in a traditional line or can be done in a more innovative style that will express the mood of that time with more fluency. striking portrait forever be remembered and valued by many people. Traditionally, the subjects in the portrait stares straight ahead at the camera positioned at eye level. But if you change the camera angle will add a completely different aspect to the portrait. Shooting from above, below or close to provide interesting perspective for the entire workout.

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Anyone can take a portrait photograph

portrait modus
Anyone can take a portrait photograph, regardless of experience or training because of frequent advances in digital photography and a variety of tools and accessories that came digital cameras today. Simply point and shoot, it's really easy. Not so long ago, if someone needed a portrait photography, there's more time and money intensive steps that one must do to create one. Rapid evolution of digital technology has made obsolete measures and make photographic portraits of almost painless.

Although there are various kinds of photography, portrait

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Photoshop Clipping Path

Photoshop Clipping Path
Photoshop Clipping Path-friendly If you are related to the graphics industry sector then you must have heard about the words of the Road Clipping. Clipping Path is generally repetitive and highly preferred process used by graphics professionals. It is a service at present is more dominating in the field of graphic outsourcing industry today.

Photoshop clipping path is a term used to be the basic business of graphic design. This is achieved by using the most powerful tools of Photoshop tools named. The term "clip" is to eliminate all kinds of purposes from a picture on the other hand the meaning of the "Path" is to remove the photos. As a result of the full meaning of "Clipping path" is to remove the object from the background image. Objectives can be changed to turn into any background at the same time as cut.

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Understanding Infrared Camera Thermal Image Quality

 Infrared Camera
When seeking to select an infrared camera, is very important to better understand the attributes of this camera is that most impact the quality of the resulting infrared image. This paper covers three main areas that affect the quality of thermal images: pixel resolution, thermal sensitivity and fixed pattern noise. Each region has a significant impact on thermal image quality.
 If you buy a digital camera in the past, the purchase you are likely to be influenced by your belief that the number of pixels is the most important specification when trying to assess the image quality between all the options offered by the camera. For anyone who read Consumer Reports ™ and their detailed evaluation of a digital camera you will appreciate that the performance of the camera includes a careful analysis of more than the number of pixels. Because the thermal camera is basically an image converter (heat energy radiation in the visible image), you need to understand what are the main attributes that determine the thermal image quality and how they each contribute to the quality of images that you may experience in your application.

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Pixel Resolution

Pixel resolution
The first consideration is the number of pixels. Today there are three standard resolution (camera several manufacturers' deviate slightly)
• Low Resolution - 160x120 (19,600 pixels)
• Medium Resolution - 320x240 (76,800 pixels)
• High Resolution - 640x480 (307,200 pixels) 
How much resolution you need (verse want) is primarily determined by your application and to the value you provide to the quality of the image. When evaluating a digital camera with a 5 paragraph 10 mega pixel most users will not benefit by buying a camera with 10 million pixels because they are never going to print images on paper that is large enough where the resolution will provide better print quality.

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The difference vector and raster graphics

vector and raster graphics
In the world of graphic design there are two main types of graphics. Vector and raster graphics (or bitmap) graphics. There are some major differences between the two graphics formats, and you need to understand these differences to determine when to use each format. This article will look at two different formats and when to use each.

Vector Graphics
vector graphics is a graphic image format created by applications such as Adobe Illustrator, Coral draw, or free inkscape open source applications. They are sometimes referred to as image applications. A vector graphics store different information for raster graphics in that it does not use pixels. A record of a particular coordinate vector graphics in your file as a reference point, then record information such as gradient lines, and thickness as a formula. So, when you edit a file that you do not edit the pixels on the screen, you add and change information that formula. Therefore, vector graphics are completely scalable. No matter how small or how large your image on screen, not the size that determines how large your image file size. drawing vector graphics come in many different file types depending on the application that created them. common formats including EPS, AI, CDR, and SVG.

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Why do you need vektor artwork?

Vector art is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes, which are all based on mathematical equations to represent images in computer graphics. In other words, this is the kind of computer art that can re-size and printed without having to worry about resolution or image quality. So, you will be able to pick up a stamp-sized logo and blow it up to billboard size and still would have the same amount of detail.

computer-based art is commonly known as Raster Graphics, or for example, "Bitmap." This is described by Wikipedia as follows: .. "Computer displays are made of tiny dots called pixels images were constructed from this point are smaller and closer the dots together, the better the picture quality, but the bigger the file needed to store the data If we keep constant the number of pixels . and we enlarge the image, then the size of each dot grows and becomes rough drawings ... "But Vector art is not made of pixels at all. Thus, we avoid the problem of the overall image resolution. Raster graphics deal more practically than vector graphics with photographs and photo-realistic images, while vector graphics often serve better for typesetting or for graphic design.

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Understanding Basic Image Parameters In Digital Photography

In the art of photography we at least know some more image parameters and improve the quality of digital photo cameras. This is very influential in the shooting. Here are a few that I know of references that I read.

Saturation is the intensity of a particular color. Image with color saturation as zero is the gray-scale image. Some digital cameras have settings that sharply contrasts that enhance the saturation of all colors in the picture. This attribute can be used in Photoshop as well. Some viewers images also provide this option.
This feature helps in still images of flowers and fruits. He describes the natural color of the subject better. If you reduce the saturation of a digital object, it gives effect to photograph the countryside. Rural effect is very useful when you are taking the bus, train or truck. You also can reduce boredom and increase the contrast to give a grunge feel to the picture image. This is useful for portraits or pet pictures.

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Nikon AF-S ED 24mm F1.4G

Nikon AF-S ED 24mm F1.4G

Nikon AF-S ED Wide Angle Lens 24mm F1.4G is a high-performance lens that is compatible with the FX format. With a 24mm focal length, it offers outstanding rendering with fast f/1.4 maximum aperture. Most new fixed focal-length lens is suitable with the FX format, the AF-S Nikkor 24mm f/1.4G ED lens is a wide-angle lens with f/1.4 maximum aperture. It offers advanced optical performance through technology such as application of Nikon's exclusive Nano Crystal Coat and construction including ED and aspherical lens elements. When the lens is used with an FX-format cameras digital-SLR, the picture is making the most of aperture quickly with a large and pleasant blur characteristics can be captured for a photo with dynamic perception.

AF-S Nikkor 24mm f/1.4G ED has exceptional optical design that provides enhanced image quality, with minimum distortion and incredible edge to corner sharpness, especially at wider aperture settings. The new optical system incorporating an anti-reflection Nikon's exclusive Nano Crystal coat, ED glass and aspherical lens elements to deliver bright, high-quality contrast images with minimized distortion and aberration. Aperture f/1.4 and nine blade rounded diaphragm contribute to create images with amazing NIKKOR trademark.

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What is a raster image and vector images?

raster and vecto
All computer images are divided into two basic types: raster images (also known as a bitmap) and vector images. In some cases suggested the use of vector graphics, others, depending on the nature of the project it is advisable to use a bitmap image. Sometimes, the two formats can be used together. An understanding of the advantages and limitations of each technology and the relationship between them will lead to optimal use of them.

What is a raster image (bitmap)?

Raster images are created by a digital camera (picture), they are scanned or created on a PC in a different program such as Adobe Photoshop. Raster images consist of many pixels. Resolution raster images or scanned image is expressed in dots per inch or dpi. Scanner or printer resolution is also measured in dots per inch.

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Replacing the EOS 50D

Canon EOS 60D
Designed for the photographer who improve their skills at the next level with higher performance, with vari-angle LCD screen to facilitate users in taking from all angles and is supported by video Full High Definition (HD).
EOS 60D 18 MP sensor PAS-C offers magnification up to 1.6x the lens focal length. Canon's powerful DIGIC 4 technology quickly process the information captured images from the CMOS sensor output four-channel, providing a different color reproduction, and high-speed image capture 5.3fps in burst of 58 full-resolution JPEG file.
ISO 100-6400 can be maximized to 12,800 with the use of 9 points of focus. EOS 60D features Canon iFCL metering system, first introduced with the EOS 7D, with the sensor Dual-Layer a zone 63. A wide vari-angle LCD monitor is just 7.7 cm has a 03:02 aspect ratio and resolution of dot k 1040, provides flexibility and allows the photographer to see the incredible picture detail.

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Tips for good photos

Are you one of those people who likes to take pictures but that you take out friends, family, etc.. And the end result is not satisfactory enough for you. For example, their faces shadowed or there is a hard glare. Thus require making repetitive and eventually become saturated and accept the results of a portrait of what it is. Surely everyone does not want that to happen.
There are a few tips that might help us:

Avoid direct sunlight: 
Look for shade or wait until the clouds cover the sun. Direct sunlight is just too hard to photograph. If you want to avoid harsh shadows on your face, find a shade to put your subject in. What shade do is give you a pleasant non-directional light. Give a try at any time and you'll be pleased with the results.

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Portrait Photography

In the category of portrait photography is one of the most popular form of art. Can make an object look beautiful is a gift that terindan that may not be forgotten just like that. As if to continue to see the results of masterpieces that are ready to display in your album collection. Whether it is an image taken in a studio atmosphere formal or something that is regulated in a more relaxed scene, you'll always want to capture your subject in the best way. However, that can be quite challenging so here are some tips to help you improve your portrait photography expertise. Good luck and best wishes in this regard.

Lighting Right from the right chamber
One of the most important aspect to any type of photography is to have proper lighting. You'll want to make sure that you have enough light, whether natural or studio, to capture the subject and images properly.
Indirect light is much better in person, so avoid using a flash camera, or a hot shoe mount pointing directly at your subject. To avoid a drop shadow behind the person you would want a good source of back light. They always say you learn best through such experience, experiment with lighting to achieve various effects.

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The meaning of color in design

When I read about what the meaning of each color, was surprised in the sense that each word represents an emotional color. Apparently in the design was also influenced by the colors in designing a logo.
The colors have a role in creating an atmosphere of purchase, pemerkuat product image, and enhancing your business image. In feng shui, color is vibration. Vibration response is always we, consciously or not. Colors affect the comfort of the environment and mood. The color that we wear everyday influence on our views of others.
Consider the example of most businesses foods like KFC, MC Donald, Pizza Hut, virtually all of them use red. Why is that? That said, the red color that increase appetite. So many business people use red in the food business. Color strength can affect our emotional side.

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Bitmap photoshop

When we use Photoshop for image processing, we often find that we have processed the images appear blurred. Things like this can not be avoided because the images we have processed with Photosop mostly bitmap images. While considering the characteristics of bitmap images, are blurring the picture is one of his trademark. Characteristics of bitmap images like anything, please read the tutorial Photoshop this time.

Bitmap images that are often also called the raster image is an image that is composed of a collection of pixels. Pixel themselves from the words picture element, which is intended as a component of the smallest image.
Because the collection is composed of pixel dots, then lies the an image that we refer to as bitmap images. The number of each point determines the quality of bitmap images. The number of each point in the image measured by the unit of measurement dpi / ppi. For example, in one square inch there are 72 pixel point, the size of the image is 72 dpi (dots per inch).

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What is seen in graphic design

Graphic design is a form of applied art which gives freedom to the designer to select, create, or adjust the way elements such as illustrations, photographs, writings, and the lines on a surface in order to be produced and communicated as a message. Pictures and signs that used to be a typographical or other media such as pictures or graphics fotografi.Desain generally applied in the world of advertising, packaging, film, and others.
Broadly speaking, graphic design can be divided into several categories:

1. Printing (Printing), which includes the design of books, magazines, posters, booklets, leaflets, flyers, pamphlets, advertising, and other similar publications.
2. Web Design: design for web pages.
3. Films include CDs, DVDs, multimedia CDs for promotion.
4. Identification (Logo), OGD (Environmental Graphic Design): is a professional design that includes graphic design, architectural design, industrial design, and architect of the park.
5. Product design, packaging and the like.

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Graphic design elements and equipment

design graphics
When asked what graphic design tools, the answer still is a computer that supports and software. But actually the answer is not complete because graphic design is not dependent on electronic equipment alone but also required more extra again. That idea, mind, eyes, hands, and hand drawing tool. It sounds weird or maybe you can laugh when it knew it, but that's the actual facts in graphic design. Without it all the designs will not be perfect.
A concept or idea is usually not considered as a design before it is realized or expressed in visual form.
In mid 1980 the arrival of''desktop publishing''and the introduction of a number of graphic software applications introduced a generation of designers to computer image manipulation and 3D image creation that had previously been a laborious work. Graphic design with computers allows the designer to see results from the layout or typography changes instantly without using ink or a pen, or to simulate the effects of traditional media without demanding a lot of space.

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Next generation of D90

nikon D7000
This replacement of the Nikon D90 is ready to fight in taking a good object. Nikon D7000, a digital camera that uses a CMOS sensor with a maximum resolution of 16.2 megapixels and maximum ISO can also be configured on this camera is ISO 25 600, is ideal for low light conditions. Nikon D7000 has a point autofocus very much, namely to 39 points, so that we can freely choose at which point that would in focuskan. If you like to photograph sports, maybe Nikon D7000 is also ideal for use, the camera to burst capability can capturenya to 6 fps, which means in 1 second, D7000 Nikon camera can shoot up to 6 moments as well. LCD already support Live View, but can not swivel or not can be twisted around as a permanent inherent in bodynya.
As the latest DSLR digital camera, Nikon D7000 also comes with the ability to record HD video at a resolution of 1080p, but unfortunately for HD resolution, Nikon D7000 can record only up to 24fps (frames per second), whereas to produce the correct image- really smooth and uninterrupted, ideally video recording with 30 fps. But for a resolution of 720p down below, can be selected up to 30fps. As information, to 720p already-quality with DVD recording.

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ISO in Photograph

iso sample
In photography an ISO also get an important role in making an object image. Within the meaning of the ISO plays a role in regulating light into the lens.
ISO is one of the important settings that you can manipulate in your camera. Understand how the ISO works in digital photography can save you from a variety of difficult low-light situations, which are mainly used for this setting.
ISO the term is used widely since the day on which the popular film camera. These days, ISO refers to film speed or how a film is sensitive to light. Films generally come in a variety of ISO speeds, and photographers can exchange films with different film speeds to achieve the desired effect. However, in today's digital world, this process has been simplified as we can adjust the ISO setting just a few clicks on our camera settings menu. Today, like most digital cameras now and do not require film, we usually refer to the ISO as how sensitive the image sensor is to light.

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Minangkabau ancestors

Minangkabau ancestors
Conversely figures Dirajo Maharajo Tambo as stated by one of the children Iskandar Zulkarnain, chances are one of the Commander of Iskandar Zulkarnain who commissioned master gold islands (Sumatra), including the Minangkabau area. It was he who then lose the rulers of the Minangkabau, if we interpret what is said next Tambo. Unfortunately Tambo was never mention of when it happened other than "on the former" that have a lot of interpretation. Tambo also said that the ancestors of the Minangkabau of mountain top trim. This can not be interpreted as saying that, but like the Minangkabau own habit to look for interpretation, because the Minangkabau people always say something through figurative words, "do not shoot straight." Interpretation roughly as follows: 

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Minangkabau people call Randang

randang minagkabau
Diversity of West Sumatra if the pan is very much the uniqueness of this Minangkabau culture. In terms of regional architecture, food, musical instruments, traditional dances and many more in fact that is rarely known to the public. Starting from general knowledge, I want to review a little about the cuisine of the Minangkabau or person is often called Padang cuisine. Maybe everyone knows about the taste of the cuisine of this field which has its own characteristics. Where where there may be food waste, even in foreign countries can be encountered in the cuisine of this field.
RENDANG or call Randang Minangkabau society. One of the traditional cuisine that is unique in terms of shapes and how to cook it. Although the cuisine of the Minangkabau hereditary called traditional cuisine, culinary Randang material is not cheap. In the sense of the word for the material cost of manufacture is also quite expensive today. Starting from the meat, the materials, to manufacture a fairly long duration. Can memcapai time 6-7 hours to cook in sizes 2 to 4 pounds of meat.

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Nikon D5000 for beginner

Nikon D5000
It is inevitable, with the launch of D5000, Nikon ingkin as if to regain control of entry-level DSLR market that has been captured by Canon (through EOS 1000D and EOS 450D) by creating a product with a high specification but an affordable price. After this, a lot of confusion among prospective buyers appear Nikon DSLR that had been prepared to take either D60 or D90 DSLR or even other brands. For information on early, Nikon usually takes 3 months since the announcement of new products until they become available in the market. If you need to buy a DSLR at this time also, of course D5000 has not been able to get into the list of nominees who would you buy a camera. But if you just be patient while saving money, later you can choose between the D60, D5000 or D90 depending on your photographic needs

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Nikon D60

nikon D60
Create a beginner like me probably are confused about choosing a DSLR camera which is suitable for beginners. But also of course affordable prices. Basically DSLR cameras require extra money to get it. I think Nikon D60 is also pretty good for beginners with a nice facility promising results could picture such a powerful photographer. With a sense of the word D60 camera is not inferior to any other beginner classes.
Now the Nikon D60 comes with a resolution of 10.2MP CCD remains the same even with the same shape and design as D40/D40x. Being the smallest DSLR on the market, the Nikon D60 retains ergonomics and body design is good and comfortable. 

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Bulb mode

bulb mode
Sometimes there are confused when they want to take pictures like the picture above. Seeing the light that long without the dashed make a question whether it should run to take it. There is a setting in Manual mode (M) at each camera DSLR in general. It's nice if could make a unique and valuable objects of art that extreme. I want to share a bit about the making of images Bulb mode. Hope this helps all readers:


     * Provide a fairly sturdy tripod, try made of metal and strong enough to sustain your camera (pocket digital cameras are usually lighter than the SLR).

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viewfinder work

Various kinds of camera filters

Filters are optical camera accessories that can be inserted into the optical path square-shaped camera that rectangular-mounted accessory holder and generally shaped disc made of glass or plastic with metal or plastic ring frame, which can be opened in front of the camera lens cap. In a sense Wratten filters are identified by numbers.
Filters allow for any change or to be used for the control of the resulting image which can sometimes be used to make subtle changes to the image produced. Lack of using filters is the possibility that poor quality images due to less light or due to a scratched filter, but usually will not be a problem if well planned, but in some situations it is better not to use filters.

Various kinds of camera filters:

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History of photography

Who knows the history of photography, much changed stage by stage. Very long journey of photography. Little information to make you want to know about the history of photography that I read in reliable references.
Starting at -19 th century art history and photography began officially registered with other advances made humans in line with technological advances that are heavily-incessant. In the year 1839 set as the initial year of photography. In that year, in France officially declared that photography is a breakthrough technology. At that time, recording two-dimensional as the eye can be made permanent.
History of photography began long before the Christian era. In the book The History of Photography by Alma Davenport, published by the University of New Mexico Press in 1991, mentioned that in the 5th century BC, a man named Mo Ti was observed a phenomenon. If the wall of a darkened room there is a small hole, then on the inside of the space it will reflected the scene outside the room in reverse through the hole. Mo Ti was the first to realize the phenomenon of camera obscura.

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Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is also called Shutter speed or closing speed. In terms of photography is a curtain that covers the camera's exposure sensor surface or on the surface of the film or image sensor. If the curtain is open there will be catching images At first the shutter is made of sheet metal, but most modern cameras use a cover made from fabric faster shutter speeds. Coverings made of fabric has a strength of about 50,000 to 200,000 times the open-close (conduct exposure). Cloth cover a worn or damaged can easily be changed in after-sales service center camera brand in question. to reduce the weight of the camera and to obtain The length of the curtain is open is determined by the camera's shutter speed setting. Digital photography allows us to understand the world of photography, shots can be reviewed directly via the LCD window, so that we can evaluate the shots, because of technical data related to the shots which had been seen and recorded, in contrast to conventional photography, where we have to print them first and can see , to review and evaluate the results jeperetan, its technical data we also have to record it first, so it takes a lot of cost and needless time wasted to be able to improve our photography skills

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Most appropriate settings for Exposure

In about 1950, the concept of en: exposure values ​​developed in Germany to simplify measurement of light falling onto the focal plane by removing the lens parameters to define the absolute values ​​into relative exposure.
To help photographers get the most appropriate settings for Exposure, used lightmeter. Lightmeter, which usually already exist in the camera, will measure the intensity of light entering the camera. In order to get normal Exposure.
Exposure is a term in photography that refers to the amount of light that falls into the medium (film or image sensor) in the process of capturing images.
There are also some things that can affect the level of exposure that is the type and intensity of the light source, the response object with ambient light, camera distance with the object rule, shutter speed, aperture, iso / asa film, and of course filters.

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What is Apeture?

apeture modus
In discussing about the camera more precisely the sense in the options settings of a camera while taking pictures is very important. Need to understand because each option would have its uses. If not you can not categorize as reliable photographer. No need progfesional but pretty good because the professional is not necessarily proficient in my opinion but the adept who can bring us into a professional photographer.
This time I want to inform those who do not know what Apeture. These options have an important role on setting the incoming light or light catch in the lens. A little information from which I have made palajari beginner stage. As a beginner in the art of photography would not hurt if sharing intelligence.

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DSLR lens types

DSLR camera lens is divided into several kinds. The simplest is of the type, ie fixed / prime and variable focal range. Zoom lens will also be divided into two, namely the opening constant (fixed f/2.8, fixed f / 4 etc) or a variable opening. From the size of the diameter of the lens there are also two types of DSLR lenses, the lenses for film SLR / DSLR full frame, and lenses with smaller diameter (for APS-C). In terms of technology lenses are also divided into two, with a focus motor (and micro-chip) in the lens and no focus motor (long lens). With so many differences, it is normal that the photographers beginners (like me) become confused when viewing lens on the market, let alone the price can vary from one million to tens of millions.

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Conditions and lens used in the shooting

How should a good and right in choosing a lens. First have to know exactly what you want and what the object photographed in a portrait, that if any kind of angle will be done and how to field conditions. Therefore, the concept is necessary both in regular photography, and journalism.
In ordinary photography such as fashion or modeling. Usually already have a mature concept. But for journalism usually have a direct and spontaneous nature, unless the Sebuat coverage about a place or location. A journalist should know how the location will he liput example, if you want to take pictures during eruption can not be smoothed using wide or fisheye lens. second if you want to take pictures of disaster victims or refugees staying in evacuation is not possible also to use a telephoto lens. So think good - nice and konsepkan into your destination. What lens is used in the field?
Here are some of the conditions and what lens should be used when shooting:
Wide Lens
Using the best wide lens for shooting with a narrow field conditions, to bring the crowd an event, or to take a photograph of a landscape. Wide lens should consider lens distortion that occurs, more broadly, the more there are many such distortions on 10mm fisheye lens. Wide lens is also very helpful for taking pictures of a group particularly a group that has a number of lots or photos with a large family.
(REMEMBER!: Frequent distortion of the right and left of the photo).

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The lens has an important role

The lens is the most important election in when shooting. The lens has a crucial role for the object image can look smooth not rough. Without the camera lens is not able to read that are directed in front of him. Here is an explanation of the lenses that we often hear might just hear the brand name alone.

Lens Diameter
First, based on the diameter of the lens, now there are two general classes, namely:

• full-frame lens (35mm)
For full-frame lens, optical diameter larger than the crop sensor lenses. This is because the full-frame lenses are designed to be used in full-frame digital SLR and 35mm film SLR. In the market, we need to recognize the code that shows the full-frame lens, such as EF for Canon, Nikon FX for, DG for Sigma.

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Choosing a lens for taking pictures

Often we are faced with a bit of confusion when will buy a used lens for photographing. Before buying you should know will be used to capture whether the lens which we will buy it. To be able to produce good image is the lens selection also gives the role his own.
There are several ways in selecting a lens:
1. Make sure the warranty is from a distributor lens brand.
2. When you buy a second lens make sure it is done first test
3. Check the market price and its new price of a distinguished website accurate,
if possible buy who is still under warranty.

And a little extra in choosing a lens for taking pictures:
1. Photographing Landscape use wide lenses (eg 10-22mm)
2. Photographing Human Interest use zoom lenses (eg 18-135mm)
3. Photographing models use a prime lens (eg 85mm)
4. Photographing the macro using a macro lens.

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Interesting tips

Talk about a photo technique tips, many tips that can be utilized in taking the object. Now there are four more tips I want to share aja may be useful for you.

1: Create a Unique Figure

If you take a popular subject that has been snapped a thousand times before, try a different angle. When shooting landscapes, do not just point and shoot - lying on the ground and shoot from there to give worms eye view or ride height to see the bird eye.

In this example, the photographer shoots straight center pole runner bean. Is not it more interesting than the shot head-on?

Get closer and choose the details - in short, get creative with your angles!

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Not just exercise too much reading phtografer

photographer must understand the camera he used as a first step in order to improve photography tips and tricks in the shortest possible time and most of the tricks first. Read the camera manual and understand all instructions were given by the manufacturer before using it. This makes it easier when using the camera thus increasing the work done. When the photographer to understand the camera is also improved photography tips and tricks easier and faster.

This requires handwork and determination to improve photography tips and tricks in the shortest time possible. To improve photography skills you need to keep in mind the requirements of the basics of this art. Light is one of the basic conditions for understanding as a first step in improving the tips and tricks of photography. photographers are required to put in mind when using the flash the camera or when not in use.

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In choosing a camera lens

lensa nikon
Buy cameras and camera equipment is a bit more expensive today, especially for fans of the new cameras coming out with photography. Given the high cost of many camera lenses, buy second hand are often the only way some items may be affordable. One can always find a cheaper price for the camera lens and find that it still works well as new. When it comes to high-quality, camera lens used, you could say that the only thing better is a brand new camera lens.

If you are considering buying a used camera lens, found that match your needs may be a few clicks away. The lens used is easily found online, but where the site you need to go? Browsing the web information and conduct thorough research to get you a large number of results. Be sure to take time to sort them out before completing the purchase.

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