Fashion Photography

Wedding photography is different from other types of photography. One needs to keep on many factors while shooting wedding photos. Wedding is the most memorable day for anyone life and to make it more memorable and crucial it is in the hands of photographer who are capturing those pictures. First of all one should keep in mind that everyone wants to look pretty and beautiful in wedding pictures thus good lighting help you to take more beautiful pictures. Lighting plays very important role in wedding photography. Thus, lighting has to appropriate at the time of capturing a photo for wedding.
Next vital thing which you keep in mind is about your subject. Shot the picture of your subjects from different angle with different poses. Also, plan before hand how you will capture the most important people of the day especially bride and groom. Also, try to cover some natural poses and never miss out to capture special moments of the day. Also, cover the location and choose a happy background with dark colour and a beautiful decoration to shot the pictures of bride and groom. Try to capture emotions in your photography.
Also, use two cameras for the day and make sure that both the cameras have different lens. Moreover, always keep your back-up that is extra equipment with you so that if in case there is problem in your camera you have another one. When taking group photo at the time of shooting wedding photography try to give the people your pose and make sure you focus on each and everybody in the group. Be creative enough to give unique and innovative poses in your group photography.

You should always set your aperture and shutter speed. Also, be careful and keep in mind that there should be difference between settings of aperture and shutter speed at the time of day wedding and night wedding. Also, listen to ideas and views of your subject and then give them your suggestion and idea. It not only gives you plenty of ideas but also create a comfortable atmosphere between you and your subject.
At last make sure that the images you have clicked are safe and secure. Be careful in storing those images as it is not possible to collect those beautiful memories again. Safe the pictures in computer at least thrice. Once you have final copies of the photo then you can remove your backs-up but till that don't even think to do so. Also, keep in mind it is very serious business so take every step very careful. Be focus towards your work. Collect as much as pictures you can. It will help you to choose best among them. Always portrait the album like a fairy tale. Create a story through your photos.

Template by : Kendhin