Black and White Photography

Black and White Photography
1.Find a location.
It can takes for months to find a great location, i go back to the same location many times before I get lucky to encounter great light and everything connects perfectly. Sometimes it just happens and you will be able to walk into a great place where light , contrast and composition are perfect, most of the times you will have to go back, even in you are experienced photographer you will go back to the same location to improve the landscape you see.
2.Specific point of view.
Finding location is first step, you have to find specific point from where you will be taking your image. This is much more complicated then just pointing the camera and hoping for the best. The specific point of view is critical for your composition. It i this one and only point where your camera will be set before you press the button, this is the point from where all the elements are place in right position, where all the shapes and forms of threes, mountains, lakes, ocean, rocks  are connected. It is very hard to find this point and you have to learn and practice before you will be able to find it fast and effective. but remember landscape photography is not about fast and rushing, if you think you like the pressure and rushing you should go into journalism or documentary photography.

3.Time of the day.
You can search for the location all day long but the best results will be achieved early in the morning or late in the afternoon , this is hen the light is the best, so you can get ready, get to know the place, find the right point of view, experiment with the right lens and go back to the place in the right time when the light is the best.
4. Light, contrast, form, shapes.
Those are one of the most important elements of all the puzzle of the landscape photography. When using black and white photography you will be forced to pay attention to those elements and place them in the right location in the frame.
5. Composition.
Landscape photographer thinks about composition all the time, it is either trained ability or natural gift but composition is the most important factor in landscape photography.

Template by : Kendhin