Important Pointers for The Contest

Be honest with yourself; take a good look at your photography, even if you have just one good picture think critically if it is ready for the contest.

Here are important pointers:

1. The theme is important.

 Make sure your photograph or series of photographs fit well into the topic of the contest, this is one of the most important factor, your image can be great, beautiful, technically correct but if this is a portrait and you submit it to landscape photo contest you will not get any recognition.

2. Again topic it important.

I know you will not submit portrait to landscape contest but i want you to understand that this is very important. Some contest have 10 or more categories go through it and understand what will the judges look for and what category does your work fit best.

3. Follow the rules.

It might seem obvious but this is very often missed, the rules wil tell you about the criteria of the contest, read it , read it twice and make sure you are understanding very well what the organizers looking for , better yet what will the judges be looking for.

4. Go through the previous years winners.

This will help you to see if your work is somehow at the level of the participants, usually the level of photographs go up every year in a giving competition , because it gains the popularity so unless you think your work can match the photographs in previous year you should reconsider submitting.

5. Create series of work.

Producing several photographs that are strong and great and have the same theme is pretty challenging, this is why series of good photographs tends to receive greater recognition then single images. If you feel confident you can work on a project specifically for the competition, usually you will have at least a month or two to produce and submit your work.

6. Title it right

Title is very important and a lot of photographers tend to miss it. Right title and right theme will get you a great start.

7. Quality.

Make sure the photo has right exposure, great contrast and focus, great composition and initial impact.

Template by : Kendhin