Flash Guns

'Flash Guns'
I fu you're taking picture in low light, or just adding some fill-in, a dedicated flashgun will expand your range and allow you to balance even the strongest backlighting.
Choosing a Flash
Many DSLRs have built-in flash units, which are adequate for general snaps, but have limitations. If you want to get creative with flash, or just fire out more power with better light, a separate unit is essential. Like lenses, though, you need to find a flash that's compatible with your camera - a Canon flash won't work with a Nikon camera, for example. There are also independent manufacturers who make versatile and powerful units in a variety of fits, while you may want something more specialized such as a hammerhead or ring flash. Modern units offer tremendous automation and much of the mathematics that used to be required when using flash is now redundant. However, manual control is still useful to have for unusual situations or creative purposes.
Another advantage of a separate flash unit is that it will offer faster recycling times than on-camera units, which is useful if you're taking many photographs quickly. There's also battery power to consider; flash draws a lot of power, and this can seriously reduce the life of your camera battery, but a flashgun has its own batteries - usually a set of AAs. Finally, the danger of redeye is reduced because the light is further from the lens axis.
What to Look For
When buying a flashgun, it's worth bearing in mind that you generally get what you pay for. Cheaper flashgun are a mainly automated affair, with a few preset settings that match with the aperture that you are using. More expensive models benefit from better build quality, greater coverage and manual control.

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