Light plays

Light plays a crucial role in the life and photography. Without it, the images are dark and lifeless. Therefore, it is a critical factor for obtaining excellent images. Some of you may not realize that the word is real photo from the Greek word which literally refers to the light absorbed in writing. With the light, each owner of a digital camera can different moods, create images. The photography is light-dependent. Since this aspect is used, can make or break a photo.
Although there is not really the standard method, how to use lighting when taking pictures, there are only the basics of what to do when taking pictures. For example, always avoid the subject of the image with the light behind them, or are listed as new lighting. This makes the subject is dark, except, of course, if you want a dramatic effect to your photos. The best thing to do, then take pictures with it, in front of a light source so that the picture that emerges is clear...
Another thing to avoid, images of metal or glass directly. This leads to a reflection of the so-called flash or diffused light. What do I do next in order is a clear picture of your digital camera into a 45 degree angle with the surface of the metal flashing on. However, understand that it is wrong if the photo shows a torch. It 's perfectly fine, especially if you have it, according to a particular effect on the images. To operate with respect to the type of light, because the softer light to create shadows hold. On the other hand, the direct light in different colors which are very ideal if you want to play, to create your pictures.

Use in relation to the type of light, remember that the light is softer, less shadow to create. On the other hand, the direct result is ideal in more shade than light, if you want to create drama in your images.
Reach depends on the type of image you want is the first important thing you should consider to use the kind of light. For portraits, we strongly recommend using a soft light. This kind of light it can be created with a background or blanket by bouncing.
If you are taking pictures outdoors, then the soft light you could, if taken too early in the morning or early evening. You can also place the subject in a shady area and use the so-called fill flash. For indoor shots, you can make a candle or cover the flash with a sheer fabric.
In relation to the sun, you can apply various effects. Shooting with the sun at the bottom is a good rule. It 'a good way to get sharp images of different themes that you like to meet. If you want to get a silhouette in your field, you can shoot into the sun. This is ideal when photographing landscapes. Remember that you always play with the light, so do not be afraid to experiment with it. Get to know him better and you're on your way to improve your photographic skills.

Template by : Kendhin