Tips for photo shoot

What do you see when it will take an object?
What do you want in telling who see through objects that would in take?
Photography, what exactly is the photography?

Maybe some who have advanced or professional can tell already know from the questions above. However, create a new deepen the understanding of art photography little of all the above questions. But for those who do not know, maybe think this is a silly question that boring. It would be nice to know before performing for the work looks beautiful and maybe people can think we photogafer powerful tool that can create a perfect masterpiece.

Discussing about the above questions may be too easy compared to the current practice in making an object image. We can answer easily but at practice, many things are forgotten so that the results are not satisfactory.

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Sonobudoyo Museum


Karsten was the acrhitect of the building. After collecting several collections of cultural objects from the Javanese territory, Madura, Baliand Lombok, finally on November 6th 1935, the Sonobudoyo Museum was declared by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII. The museum occupied the abandoned Schautan office northem part of the north square the Jogja Palace.
Sonobudoyo Museum had 42.698 collection that consisted of 10 categories, namely the collection geologika, biology, ethnography, arkeologika, historika, numismatics, filologika, keramologi, the fine arts and teknologika. Apart from the showroom as the place to display collection objects, the Sonobudoyo Museum is also supplemented with the auditorium, storage the collection, the library, laboratory, preparasi, the affice and the public’s facilities.
On entering the main hall af the museum, the eldest building in the museum comples, you will see three sets of gamelan of the religious Kyai Mendhung (cloud) from the palace of Kasepuhan Cirebon occupied the west side, while 2 gamelan equipment slendro pelog the religious Kyai and Nyai Riris Manis (was made in the period of Sri Sultan HB VI) in Mataram style is in the best east.

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What is photography?

fokus lens
We know that a work of photo is the end result of a process that occurs immediately (split second) and also photographs the final results that occur from device called a camera and then processes the last to realize that work is a chemical process (darkroom or lab printing color).
Work images are copyrighted works derived from recordings in a realistic situation there (the subject) or invisible to the eye, works like paintings not photographs where the creator can create or perform the transformation from what he saw or felt, the JPEG images are recorded.

Origin The word photography

The human eye can see, because there is light shining on the object, and reflected into our eyes so that it can be seen by the human eye. So also with photography. Light reflected in the capture and recording media recorded by the film / digital sensor. Conductor media menajadi light color and shape of natural objects into the eye / film / digital sensor. Photography comes from the word meaning PHOTOS LIGHT and GRAPHOS which means WRITE or painting. Photos will not be without light.
Type - The type of light ...?
Natural Light: • Sun, Fire, Lava
Artificial Light: • Continuous Light • Flash Light
Every light in the state in degrees Kelvin between 2000 K - 20,000 K. In the digital language, the color of light on the state of White Balance.

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Ullen Sentalu Museum

Ullen Sentalu Museum

Born as art gifted family with the artist’s imagination, and raised in the power of Javanese tradition had motivated the family to the art and Javanese culture exploration and had challenged their dedication dreams into a model of museum. This culture heritage consevation project inspired the Mataram Kingdom to open the hidden treasures of their noble women tradition and forbidden walls for Public curiosty through this museum.
Ullen Sentalu museum was then astablished and at the anniversary of Jogja city March 1, 1997. This exenellecy Paku Alam VIII as one of the Mataram Kings who was also  the governor of the Jogja province, afficially apened the museum for the public. The building architecture was inspired by the cross culture experience of European and Javanese Philosophy was developed in creative balance at the hill sede of Merapi mount. 

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Roro Jonggrang legend of prambanan temple

A popular legend, which was variations thorughout Java, describes the creation of the slender Maiden to a daughter of King Boko, who command an unwanted suitor to build one thousand templet in one night. Assited by spirits, the would be husband had almost accomplished this imposibble task when Roro Jonggrang ordered the village women to begin pounding rice , an activity generally performed at dawn. This spirit, believing dawn was approaching, fled and the angry suitor cursed Roro Jonggrang who turned to and was placed in the temple as the stature of Durga, Shiva’s Formidable consort.
 Bandung Bandawasa, a young man who as a child sit in the hermitage pack Sidik decided to wander looking for life experience. On his way, Bandung met with a group led Darmamaya Penging're fighting with a group led Kalakarung Prambanan.

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Modern Batik

batik modern
On the modern batik, the motifs are not depending on the certain pattern, in contrast to the classical batik, the modern batik designs could in the form of everything, moreover occasionally used the motif of classical batik and was combined by various shape with colorful dyeing. The modern batik also use the material and process dyeing follows the material dyeing developments. On the word, the production process of the modern batik approximetly with the classical batik, but it’s design, dyeing and technical processing depends on the meker and the use of dyeing materials. Furthemore technical of batik processing expended in case of applying wx and colors, for example on the same areas, the use of the canting is not necessary; they can treat wax with brusher and some dyeing use gauzes directly. With the result that the use of technical processing batik develop in applications of other field of art, as on field of art batik painting and art batik wood. In the other word, the processing of modern batik basically almost same as clasiccal batik processing but on design and dyeing up to art of sense the maker and depend on dyeing materials.

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The culture and history of Batik


The first time the batik was used as royals clothes on Java at the several centuries ago, furthermore batik become averyday clothes for Javenese community. Although the batik identical with the Javanese traditional dress, but batik has been the national dress for Indonesian community, moreover batik famed on overseas. The making use of batik had no longer the traditional dress only but it follow the fashion development all for men and women. Moreover batik have been used for interior decoration, home furnishing, etc.
Beside the fungtion of batik as clothes material, batik has depicted philosophy on the development oh the culture from the period to the period. Each batik motive depicted the culture of the period when the motive was created. Batik in the Dutch colonization period often depicted the motive feature of the flower, the foliage and small animals with clear colours. Batik in this period was made by the descendant’s women Indo-Netherlands around th 1840 that shows the influence of the Dutch culture or Europe, both in the motive and his colour.

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The Batik processing

This is the original artwork Indonesia.
pembuatan batik

The diverse of batiks divided in two groups, the classical Batik and the Modern Batik. The classical batik, has the high value anda having hingh art savior vivre by weeks at time. The traditional batik has the basic patterns with various motifs such as kawung, parang, nitik, truntum, ceplok, tambal, etc. Basic material for batik is the white cotton best quality or silk. Material abtik use silk was going to result the clear and life colours.
The Classical Batik Processing
Almost everyone has seen a batik at one time or another. Many have even witnessed their manufacture at least many people think so, if they have through Jogja, with women drawing pattern on a white piece of kain with a canting. This process, by means of which some wax is applied, is, however, only one of numerous operations the kain has to undergo before it become proper batik. 

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My Art

Few learn from what I read from the references. still learning about photography deepened. But there are still many shortcomings ranging from new equipment is limited due to start in the world picture. If there are comments and suggestions please comment, happy to listen and try to better.

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Tari Piriang or Plate dance Minangkabau society

tari piring
Tari Piriang,,, or plate dance from west sumatra. One characteristic of Minangkabau society dances that use the plate in both hands while dancing. Graceful movements that make that look so silent follow the rhythm rhythm of the dancers sang. At the end of the index finger was given something like a ring made ​​of wood, in order to generate sound twang. Even more exciting again when the plates are on break on the floor and on departure, jumping barefoot. Without any cuts, no pain is felt by the dancers.
This dance is unusual in the show when the wedding.
Initially used to dance when the plate was created to give offerings to the gods when entering the harvest, but after the arrival of Islam in Minangkabau dance to the offering plate is no longer the gods but for the Majlis-Majlis addressed the crowd, which was attended by the king or the Chiefs, dance plate also used in other crowded events such as the wedding ceremony.

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When the color correction done

While time passed, he left immortal memories captured in sepia-toned photograph. Almost everyone has a sepia-toned memory that require the resurrection. How one wishes, to revive the same color tone that captures the big moments in the frame of Kodak. With digital technology that has achieved one of the wonders of the world of photography can say 'cheese' once again with pleasure. The color correction is now possible to revive the faded old photograph. In fact it is one of the most useful way to get the old photographs in color. Here's how the magic redevelops tone quality of the print-And that also without cutting the actual fabric snap.

There are several techniques that play when the color correction done. Some employ the handling smooth as old photos some may even have historical value. Despite the careful storage facility a few images to fade or lose their tonal quality and color correction process they require significant restoration. With the availability of high-resolution scanner some old photographs can be scanned and digital. However, some may require professional assistance to maintain quality. digital photo editor who has photoshops online is the best to handle this project with the correct subtle color correction. With the help of Graphic Design Company, which is professional in their work of restoration becomes easier. They are able to handle the wear and tear from old photographs.

When is the professional expertise required for color correction?

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Tribe of Minangkabau in West Sumatra

Discussing about the history of the tribe of Minangkabau in West Sumatra, a lot of which can be seen starting from the formation history of this custom until the system adopted. One of the uniqueness of the Indonesian nation. A little review of stories that explores the basics of the Minangkabau in everyday life.
Starting from understanding the truth according to stories handed down Adat Minangkabau have a saying in the language reads “ Sawah diagiah bapambatang, ladang dibari bamintak, padang dibari baligundi, bukik dibari bakaratau, rimbo dibari bajiluang, nak babezo tapuang jo sadah, nan babiteh minyak jo aia, nak balian kundua jo labu”. It can be mistaken: The norms that govern the values and community structures that distinguish sharply between human and animal behavior in daily life. It can be seen that in Minangkabau all associated with figurative meanings are subtle but have a sense of deep and hard. Adat Minangkabau regulate the behavior of members of the public from the behavior of the smallest detail to the behavior are great. To differentiate human behavior with animal within reach the needs of Biologics in the association of living, the ancestors of the Minangkabau create custom before Islam entered the Minangkabau dipenghujung 14th century. After the Islamic religion entered the Minangkabau society and become a role model, it turns out many of the teachings of Islam have in common with the teachings of Minangkabau Adat, except about the Aqeedah and Shari'ah. In a time not so long accepted by the Adat Minangkabau Islam without causing collisions. It was obvious that the Minangkabau Adat function in daily life are sharply differentiate human and animal behavior, by arranging everything with Minangkabau customary rules, like drinking, eating, sitting, sleeping, bathing, urinating, and a large, standing, walking , hanging out, talking among each other, channeling sex, family, a husband and wife and so governed by the Adat Minangkabau. So in short it is well-mannered people are the ones who behave well in the association who always thought of others, not thinking about the interests of his own. And the system is materinial offspring, according to matrilineal descent.

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development of graphic design today

All that is certainly what graphic design, most do not know the meaning in the sense of small. You could say the longer trend at work today. That's because this time all the advertising, logos, and others were the result of the works of graphic designers. Arguably this is the graphic artist-the spearhead of all things associated with the business.
Graphic design is used in visual communication. In its simplest form can be decorative, but it rarely happens like that to pursue large-scale functional benefit from the ability to just look good. That does not mean that looking good does not have its place. In fact it happened, but combined with the destination is where it shows the correct role.
Always demanding attention, in desperate need for attention, loud, noisy and full of color and mono or at least, the results can be just as effective. Is it a big point-of sale (POS) in retail environments, packaging products in supermarkets compete with rival brands on the same shelf, products and services to live or die at the hands of graphic design.
More than just words, more than just picture it is a balancing act of visual communication at the fulcrum. This is a jigsaw puzzle with pieces of blank to be identified and assembled in order so that the final solution complete sense. The range of graphic design that we witness every day are varieties such that there is a possibility that we just take it for granted. How many times have you make purchasing decisions without realizing why?

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What is the purpose of a picture?

Creating an image or logo is not easy for the public or who see it to understand what the purpose of a work that we make. What is the purpose of a picture, why the image made like that. Here the answer lies in the understanding of desian or often called graphic design. Not everyone can easily create or design an object for his readers to easily understand what you are told through a design that you create them. But graphic design is not as difficult as you think in the making. There are so many design programs are popping up that comes with a tutorial explanation of the usefulness of each tool. Maybe you will become powerful and graphic design will be much in the search by large companies to create great works. All depends on our understanding of the science of graphic design.
Graphic design combines technology with art in order to convey a message. If you use visuals to communicate then you're creating graphic design. Delivering the message with a poster or logo can be much more effective than trying to verbally spread the message as the human brain responds best and be able to remember pictures better than words.
Graphic designers can use drawing, painting, photography and computers to create designs. They can also design the letterforms, for example of the kind seen in the movie credits.
Graphic design is all around us and we saw thousands of pieces of graphic design every day. Think about what you do when you wake up this morning. Do you eat cereal? Then you see the logo on a cereal box? Do you read newspapers? Then you see the typography? Do you drive to work? Then you see some billboard posters. Do you need identity cards to get into your office? So maybe the logo.
If you think that the power of graphic design does not affect you, that it does not tell you what to buy or how to behave and then think again. If you read the words of Coca Cola, McDonalds, Google or Superman, what is the first image that pops into your head?

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Produce the best portrait photo session children

Here are some tips that will help you survive a child photo session in one part and to produce a portrait that will melt hearts!

1. Define Style Portraits

You need to consider, first, whether you want the session to produce a formal portrait style, casual, honest, active or just plain silly or fun. If you work for a paying customer, you need to make this with parents before the day of your photo session. Many photographers will blend various styles of the portrait in one session, but you should plan for what you or your client must feel the image dominate.

 2. Select Suitable Location

Increasingly, photographers are currently doing a family photo session at their client's home. This is a big trend for the photographer and subject, and this is a better idea when the subject is a child. Do the shoot in their own homes have the advantage of a different child from a relaxing environment that can help eliminate some artificiality that comes with a photo session. It also brings additional benefits have lots of toys and favorite things in the coverage that the child may want to play with or use. Favorite things and special places, both indoors and out, can enhance moods and reveal aspects of personality of children.

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Sports photography

Sports photography can be a very difficult field to get involved with-especially with so many photo journalists eager to get a snapshot that captures perfectly, or just right corner on the pass to win. This competition in general, so it is important for you to be on your game-every time, and progress every day.

Lights, camera, action!

That's right, get out your camera manual. Be prepared to read about photography, new techniques and everything in between. Stay up to date with industry standards, and trends shots that have made their way into the magazines, on billboards, and so forth.
Research the road to the summit. No free tickets in this field is very competitive! (Except for that into the game, of course) Get to know your competitors are working during your research, reading everything about them and keep your eye on their work. You need to understand what you face so you can better yourself in the field. Just like the sport you are photographing, you need to understand the play competitors and the reasons behind their shots.
Get ready to make some decisions: whether you are using film or digital? If you already have a camera, you have to make sure it can take photos of at least six frames per second-the world of sports photography is ideal for a camera to take around eight or more frames per second. Your lens is very important to make your pictures look great. If you have not already, invest in high-quality lens with large focal length and aperture. Industry standard 200 says a fixed rate of 2.8 is the absolute minimum with the most tangible results.

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Architectural Photography

While all photography is an attempt to illustrate the subject in a certain light, architectural photography is the voice of architects who try to interpret the architecture through the stills. architectural photography is an attempt to point to an interest in a single structure and flower spikes on them which will see the photography.

Creating a masterpiece

Technique is key in all types of photography, with a particular type it is extremely challenging for the photographer to take pictures very well. All these factors play in the perfection of these photos. lighting is important, like when you're taking photos of the exterior of the building, you will only deal with natural lighting. At this time a single, you have the opportunity to capture the perfect image to create the perfect image display subject as possible. Furthermore, if the building has a line running in all directions, or some particular aspect, the image can appear distorted when-this is very important to have an excellent tool for creating a work of visionary.

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The camera as a media investment

A digital camera is an investment for most people, because they are not cheap devices. You need to take care of this investment in order for it to your last few years. Like all other electronics, if you allow it to be dropped or exposed to water, it is likely to be damaged beyond repair. A camera is a protective case to help prevent something from happening on the camera you buy with your hard earned money. Read on to learn the benefits of a camera bag, and what to look for when shopping for one. 
The first thing you should look for when buying a camera bag is the size. You want enough to accommodate your camera. If too large, the camera probably slide around in the bag. This can damage the device if the bag should be dropped or receive a sudden shock. If the bag is too small, the possibility of the camera will not fit properly inside, let it vulnerable to damage. 

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Two styles of photography

Position and Appearance

One major difference between candid photography and portrait photos are in the way they are positioned, and in a way that they appear. Candid photos taken on the go when life is happening, and the image now shows like that. Professional portrait photography, however, are staged with sets, props, and position have been determined. These images will take a photo and preserve it in a way that is positioned to view.

The emergence of these two very different types of photography, in fact, honest photography can often look like it was not done by a professional at all. It can sweep you away, and remind you of past events with the appearance of simple and honest position.

Photographic portraits of preserving things in their perfect condition. They allow you to see the best, or catch something or someone in an ideal manner. Often, when someone goes into a professional photography studio or hire a professional photographer, they will choose to have used both forms of photography. That's because while different, these two styles both have their own advantages and value.

That Used Equipment

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Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is one of the first things in digital photography that you should know if you want to excel your skills and get beautiful digital photos. Your shutter speed controls the amount of light entering into the digital sensor. The speed at with you get your light exposure can really make or break your digital photography.

In basic terms, to help you understand, control the shutter speed of light exposure. Think of it like opening and closing the door sooner or later. How fast or slow to open and close the impact on the exposure of light onto the digital sensor. shutter controls the amount of light entering the camera through speed. shutter can then make your image brighter or darker. Shutter speed can also affect clarity of moving objects for example. You can make a fast shutter speed, give 'float in the air' as shown. Think of the motion of fast moving objects that have been frozen in the "air" like drops of water for example. Shots like this have the shutter speed.

So what kind of shutter speeds you need to look like this? A "freeze motion" good shot where something looks suspended in time, perhaps at shutter speed 1 / 2000 just as an example. That means the shutter opens and closes so fast that you can not replicate it in sound or description. shutter had clicked at 2000 per second. That's a lot of sports photography done. Many subjects that move very fast can look really good with shutter speed.

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Shoot the Waterfalls

One important aspect about shooting waterfalls is knowing the waterfall itself. That in mean by that is knowing the lighting conditions in each year and day; know what time you will get the best.
Here are some useful tips to get beautiful waterfalls images.
Lighting for the waterfall is best when it just finished raining s-like storm that just passed. You can take advantage of this to get the right picture to get soft and dim light that brings out the dramatic nature of the waterfall. In order to get a slower shutter speed in a car, you will need to capture the waterfall after a rain, especially at this time.
There are some successful tips to get two types of waterfall shots. The first is the effect of soft smooth flowing water, such as the water looks like silk blanket on a rock. If you want to get this look, set your shutter speed of 1 to 2 seconds. To get the right exposure on the speed you set the aperture on the stop ff/16 or less say, f/22. You will see that with these settings you will get the depth, bigger is better from the field. The entire frame will be in focus this way, which is always a bonus. If you find you have too much light, just change your shutter to 2 seconds or just a few. You can also use a polariser or a neutral density filter. 

Filter for waterfall shots? I have found that the ND filters provide some fantastic effects. If you invest in one to photograph waterfalls, you'll find that the amount if light on the lens is reduced. After the light is reduced (provided you are shooting in daylight in the auto), shutter speed, will change accordingly. You will find there is no reduction in color at all.

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Lights at night in Alun Alun Kidul

alun alun
 One uniqueness of jogja at night is in a place that used to be called the plaza south or in the Java language "ALUN ALUN KIDUL" which shall mean a field in southern palace located in the palace area. There is a uniqueness here at night, especially on Saturday nights, which decorative bikes filled lamps. Very unique once by what I see. This two-wheeled vehicles in the rental for visitors who come to menggelingi garden area. Very crowded so visitors who come to try to enjoy the atmosphere while bringing decorative bicycle at night. This is very attracted the attention of visitors from within and outside the region. Can see from the pictures below that I took while visiting there.

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Three elements for photographers

A renowned photographer Bryan Peterson eskposur easily explain the concept in his book titled "Understanding Exposure".
About illustrations of the three elements that must be known to understand the exposure, he named the three as a triangle hunbungan Photography. Each element is associated with light: how light entering and interacting with the camera.
These three elements are:
I. Iso
By definition of the ISO is a measure of the level of the camera sensor sensitivity to light. The higher the ISO setting the more sensitive we terhada light sensor.
To get a clear picture of the ISO setting on our camera (ASA in the case of photographic film), just think about the bee community. An ISO is a worker bee. If my camera set at ISO 100, it means I have 100 worker bees. And if my camera set at ISO 200 means I have 200 worker bees.
The task of each worker bees is to collect light coming through the lens of the camera and make pictures. If we use the lens aperture is identical and we both set at f/3.5, but I set my ISO at 200 while your 100 (think again about the worker bees), then the picture who would have finished faster?
Broadly speaking, when we increase the ISO setting from 100 to 200 (the aperture is always constant - we lock the aperture at f/3.5 or through Aperture Priority modes - A or Av), we shorten the time required in making a photograph in the camera sensor we get half (2kali faster), from shutter speed 1 / 125 to 1 / 250 sec. As we add more ISO to 400, we cut the time of the photo until the other half: 1 / 500 sec. Each time you shorten the time esksposur as much as half, we call a raise esksposur for 1stop.

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Monumen Jogja Kembali

monumen jogja kembali
Monument Yogyakarta Kembali built on June 29, 1985 by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII. Degan traditional ceremonial planting of a buffalo head and laying the first stone.Monument Yogyakarta Back, built on June 29, 1985 by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII. Degan traditional ceremonial planting of a buffalo head and laying the first stone.
The choice of the name "Yogya Kembali" in the broad sense, the functioning government of the Republic of Indonesia and as historical events drawn tetenger Belpengguna army withdrawal from the capital city of Yogyakarta on June 29, 1949 and the return of President Sukarno, Vice President, Head of another State on July 6, 1949 in Yogyakarta. This can be used as a starting point for the Indonesian nation substantially free from the clutches of occupiers in particular and is a decisive milestone for the survival of the State of Indonesia is an independent and sovereign.
Judging from its form conical Yogya Kembali Monument / mountains with a height of 31.80 meters was a picture of "Little Mountain" was placed on a slope of Mount Merapi. Mount Merapi is very meaningful to the people of Yogyakarta both symbolic and factual. Vomit lava of Mount Merapi provide fertility for Yogyakarta and surrounding areas, while the contours in the sky always decorate the skyline of Yogyakarta where people are, of Mount Merapi, also Winongo and Code river that flows through the city of Yogyakarta.
Symbolically with the southern sea (Palace of Queen of South), which serves as the "Yoni", and Mount Merapi as a "Linga" is a belief that is very old and is valid forever. Even while people called Yogya Kembali Monument as a giant cone shiny white lid, in the Javanese tradition cone as if as a mountain that can be connected with the mountains in the shadow puppets, which symbolizes happiness / wealth sanctity and as each episode covers national struggle.
Yogya Kembali Monument located on North Ring Road, protruding hamlets, villages Sariharjo, choosed District, Sleman regency, Yogyakarta. Established on an area of ​​49,920 m2. This location specified by the Sri Paduka Hamengkubuwono IX of which alternative is underlined with the shaft between Mount Merapi - Yogya Kembali Monument - Monument White Pal - Palace - Stage Krapyak - South Sea, which is the "axis of Imaginary" which in reality is still respected by the community Yogyakarta, and according to belief merging of Linga and Yoni will lead to prosperity in this place as a deadline for withdrawal of troops retreated towards the north Belpengguna, business continuity and harmony of urban area of ​​Yogyakarta.

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Guitar originated from india

Who does not know with this one musical instrument, guitar. six strings premises
Guitar is an ancient and noble instrument, whose history can be traced back over 4000 years. Many theories have been advanced about the instrument's Ancestry. Many theories have been advanced about the descendants of the instrument. It has been claimed That Often the guitar is a development of the lute, or even of the ancient Greek kithara. It is often claimed that the guitar is the development of the harp, or even from ancient Greece kithara. Research done by Dr. Michael Kasha in the 1960's showed these claims to be without merit.

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Pedicab or rickshaw is a familiar transport in Yogyakarta

becak alun-alun Yogyakarta
 Yogyakarta is a common form of rickshaw drivers are behind. Because of the unique shape, the Pedicab to be one of the means of transportation That many of the tourists preferred to travel short distances. because of its unique, pedicabs to be one means of transportation that many tourists preferred to travel short distances.

These vehicles are environmentally friendly Because it does not require fuel to operate, pedal rickshaw drivers WHO Rely on the back, so That it runs slow. These vehicles are environmentally friendly because it does not require fuel to operate, pedal rickshaw drivers who rely on the back, so go slowly. Due to Rely solely on human power, then Pedicab cans be an easy livelihood for Some communities in Yogyakarta. Because only rely on human power, the rickshaw can be easily livelihood for some communities in Yogyakarta.

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Art Market in JOGJA

pasar seni gabusan
Pasar Seni Gabusan (Art Market Gabusan) people of Yogyakarta call it, which is located at Jalan Parangtritis km 9. Markets that sell handicrafts from the para-artists in Yogyakarta. Market design that accommodates approximately 444 craftsmen are also international standard and is divided from 16 los.
It can be seen craft bag made of similar material rattan. Wicker bag which strongly suggests a very neat and blend cloth as an accessory would be a significant added value. Variety of unique designs at once elegant bag makes it multifunctional and can be used everywhere. Other types of craft stalls are available at the box made of woven bamboo. Although simple in design and function, the box still have the uniqueness, let alone available in a variety of bright colors.
What is interesting is the mask interesting variations. Some masks made of leather inlaid with very nice with interesting color. Also, if pleased with artificial ornamental plants such as wood flower. Made of wood and clay, usually the outer surface of the jar is decorated by certain motives. If it is not like that pattern, available jar of plain surface with a design that is no less interesting.

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Picture Recomposing

Picture Recomposing very easy as we will reveal with Adobe Elements guide. When you take pictures, especially the picture group, is not always achieved for the people lined up the way you want them to appear. Recompose tool will help just by moving the objects that you choose while still maintaining a practical background. Just like Photomerge Scene Cleaner, this tool allows you to paint the picture to select objects to maintain and which to combine or eliminate. Unlike the Photomerge resources, tools recompose does not come with an interface very own. It is a cousin of Crop tool, and make magic every time you change the border of a picture.
To be able to recompose an image in Adobe Elements just follow these 5 tips:

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Beginners can be a professional???

nikon vs canon
nikon D5000
 Some factors that might make sense if compared to other DSLR camera for beginners who just studied art photographer.
First, image quality is excellent. DPReview has given the highest rating for Nikon D5000 - "Highly Recommended" - with a recommendation. You have to shoot pictures in RAW mode rather than in JPEG mode. This is because the software in-camera without the process to sharpen the image as much as the Canon Rebel T1i. For the average viewer, this may not be obvious without it being pointed out. Suffice it to say that Nikon D5000 produces excellent image quality.
Secondly, ease of use of the D5000 is also very good. Camera controls well placed and easy to navigate. They are fairly intuitive even for beginning digital SLR users.
A third factor may be one determinant. Nikon has included two highly desirable features that are not in D3000 cheaper Nikon or Canon Rebel XSi. The first is the HD video is more similar to Nikon's professional models. This being said, if you buy a camera to expect the same video capabilities as a dedicated camcorder, you'll need to look elsewhere. However D5000 video quality is very good when compared with other DSLRs.

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Composition is simply interpreted as a way of arranging the elements in the drawings, these elements include line, shape, form, color, light and dark. The way you arrange the composition in the viewfinder will be interpreted later after your photo is printed. The most important aspect of composition is to produce a visual impact-an ability to convey feelings that you want to express in your photos. Thus you need to organize such a way to achieve your goals, whether it is to convey the impression of static and silent or sesuatumengejutkan, different, eccentric. In classical composition there is always one point that first attracted attention. This happens because the arrangement position, subordinated, contrasts of light or the intensity of the subject than the surrounding or arrangement in such a way that shape the direction that brings attention to an observer at one point.
Overall, a good classical compositions have a pleasant proportions. There is a balance between darkness and light, between the solid form and open space or bright colors with the colors dim. On certain occasions, if necessary you may need your composition entirely symmetrical. Often the images that you create more dynamic and visually more interesting when you put the subject in the middle. You should avoid even if it is a vertical divider lines.

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Negeri Sembilan ( Malayasia ) with western Sumatra ( Indonesia )

What equation Negeri Sembilan (Malayasia) with western Sumatra?
Perhaps this history few know the truth. Basically, both these cities have in common traditions and customs. So in the twin city dubbed. A lot of similarities with this twin city, ranging from tradition, custom homes, to food. Organizational systems that have a term in the Minangkabau language "Adat basandi Sarak, Sarak basandi Kitabullah" Negeri Sembilan was originally inhabited by indigenous people than the Sakai tribe, Semang and Adam's apple. They live randah move, hunt, citing the results of the forest and there is an early farming.

At the beginning of the 14th century AD, people from the Land of Minangkabau Sumatra migrated to the Melaka Negeri Sembilan. They occupied the territory Rembau. Minangkabau people is then successful liver memikiat Original inhabitants of this rembau region. Minangkabau people are bringing their customary procedures, such as wedding ceremonies are embraced matrilini system. Here, in the end Be the marriage between the Minangkabau people are with the natives in accordance with customary procedures Minangkabau. Descendants of people - people Minangkabau tribe is known by the guardhouse.
In a social system at that time,

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Borobudur temple, the beauty of Buddhist religion

borobudur tampel
The biggest Buddhist temple in the century that has broad -9 123 x 123 meters which was built centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia. This temple was built by King Samatungga one of the ancient Mataram kingdom. Who does not know Borobudur? The temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies. Some say Borobudur bearti monastery high place. There are so many who visit this place to see firsthand what the original temple of Borobudur. This place is indeed captivate the visitors.
Borobudur building consists of 10 high-level 42 meters before it was renovated and 34.5 meters after the renovation. Each level represents the stage of human life. According to references that I read, the base of Borobudur, called Kamadhatu, symbolizing human beings that are still bound by lust. Four levels above referred Rupadhatu symbolizes man who had to break free from lust but still bound manner and form. On this terrace, Buddha effigies are placed in open space. Meanwhile, three levels above where the Buddhist stupas are laid in holes called Arupadhatu, symbolizing man who has been free from lust, appearance, and shape. The top part is called Arupa symbolizes nirvana, where Buddha is residing.
Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful. Relief that will be read coherently when you walk in a clockwise direction (towards the left of the entrance of the temple). The relief panels tell the legendary story of Ramayana. In addition, there are relief panels describing the condition of society at that time. For example, relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of agriculture system and relief of sailing boat representing the advance of the voyage who was based in Bergotta (Semarang).

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Name of Prambanan in Java

 A miracle of Hindu culture from the 10th century, Prambanan Temple Lansing and towering as high as 47 meters. The building of this temple is built in the pemrintahan two kings, and Rakai Rakai Pikatan Balitung. This temple is 5 meters higher than Borobudur temple
Once that became folklore about 1000 temples, a man named Bandung Bondowoso loved Roro Jonggrang. Jonggrang asked Bondowoso make 1000 temples with statues in one night. The request was nearly fulfilled Jonggrang asked the villagers to pound rice and make a big fire that created an atmosphere like the morning. Bondowoso who only completed 999 statues cursed Jonggrang be a statue of the 1000 because he felt cheated.
Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva. The three temples are a symbol of Trimurti in Hindu belief. All of them face east. Each main temple has accompanying temple facing to the west, namely Nandini for Shiva, Swan to Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. In addition, there are 2 temples wedge, 4 color temples and 4 corner temples. In the second there are 224 temples.
Entering the Shiva temple located in the middle and the highest building, you will find a room 4. One main room contains a statue of Shiva, while the other 3 rooms each containing a statue of Durga (Shiva's wife), Agastya (Shiva's teacher), and Ganesha (Shiva's son). Durga is touted as the statue of Roro Jonggrang described in the legend above.
In the Vishnu temple is located in the north of Shiva temple, you will only see one room containing a statue of Vishnu. Brahma temple is located south of Shiva temple, you will only find one room with a statue of Brahma.

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Romantic Sunset in Parangtritis

 Romantic Sunset in Parangtritis,
One of the best beaches are much visited by tourists within and from abroad. The beach is strategic enough to see the sunset while welcoming the evening. Lolz ...: D ~
Little did I know about this beach,
Located 27 km south of Yogyakarta city easily accessible by public transportation that operates until 17:00 pk and private vehicles. Afternoon near sundown is the best time to visit the most popular beach in Yogyakarta. From this it can be seen coast to the southern sea area. Disebalah east there is a ruined temple. Gembirawati temple that only a few hundred meters from the beach.
Parangtritis very closely with the legend of Ratu Kidul. Many people believe that Java is the gateway Parangtritis Queen of South magical kingdom who ruled the sea south. Hotel Queen of the South is a luxurious resort that is named according to this legend. Unfortunately this is rarely resorts to open even though used to have a view that could make us breathless.

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Power of photoshop

Photoshop is a photo editing software program used primarily by professional graphic artists and photographers. However, should not hesitate to be something professional to use and enjoy this program. If you enjoy photography then Photoshop can help turn ordinary photos into extraordinary works of art with the easy to use tools. All that could be a mainstay for the work can be creative.

Almost everyone would agree that a photo editing program Photoshop is the most powerful on the market today. Photoshop comes with features and tools that allow you to edit photos to a such a way that even the most discerning eye will be able to tell which photos have been edited, and which ones are not. This is the incredible power of Photoshop.

A whole host of professions using photoshop, including web designers, poster designers, advertising agencies, and desktop publishing company. If you are a photo enthusiast, regardless of whether it is an amateur or professional, I'll bet that Photoshop will be suitable for all types of design.

Photoshop CS4, released in September 2008, is the latest version of the software. It includes a large number of advanced tools that allow to create and edit digital images.

If you are unfamiliar with this program, here are some amazing things this program can be done.

If the purpose to edit or manipulate digital photos or pictures, Photoshop will do everything. For example, can paint directly on 3D graphics, wrap 2D images of 3D objects, giving the text a depth and layers, providing better print quality output with new ray-machine provides tracing, support 3D format, fluid canvas rotation, convert gradient maps to objects 3D, and CS4 is 64 bit compatibility.

If you have been looking to create their own photo lab digital to take pictures from boring to extraordinary, so that the loved one is Photoshop. It does not matter if you're an amateur or professional, Photoshop will make the job easier and more enjoyable.

The nice thing is that Photoshop interact with other Adobe products like InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, After Effects, and even Adobe ImageReady software. All this is easy to integrate your Photoshop image and make make complex projects easier.

Without doubt Adobe Photoshop is one of the most powerful image and graphics software programs on the market today. Photoshop will make your job easier, no matter whether you are a photographer, poster makers, advertisers, or as a web designer.

Photoshop is filled with amazing features that allow you to manipulate and edit your images with ease. If you want to take your ordinary photos and turn it into something extraordinary then Photoshop is the program for you. By clicking the mouse you can easily edit and enhance your image. But Photoshop can do more than that, but you can only know the right tool box Photoshops by viewing the video tutorials Photoshop.

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Complete list of Photoshop Tool

Photoshop help you to get exceptional output and save much time and energy of your graphic design work. Currently Photoshop tutorial that uses real-life ideas graphic design. At the same time, all the fun and exciting tutorials. In addition to Photoshop tutorials, here also have Adobe Illustrator tutorials, 3D Studio Max tutorials, Web Development tutorials, HTML tutorials and more.

The main motive of this paper is to make you to know the basic principles of Photoshop (starting with PhotoshopTools) in order to start with it. We have a habit to ignore the basic principles or fundamental and started on learning advanced and advanced Photoshop tutorials that most people believe is a lot easier. Unless they are wrong. Jacob Gube once said, "If you take the time to learn the basics, you'll have trouble because you do not understand how things work."
Maybe this bit can help, a complete list of Photoshop Tools:

Move Tool (V)

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<br /> malioboro

<br /> malioboro tempo doeloe
 This is the crowded center of the city of Yogyakarta. Place of purchase and place in time to calm your mind after your activity. Namely Malioboro.
Malioboro, which becomes one of the symbols for Yogyakarta has undergone many changes. Viewing malioboro now designate the progress that is likely to make people admire, at least in terms of physical. But reducing atmosphere at a time may have existed, such as shade along the way malioboro region. Although malioboro be trading places (then or now), but there is another atmosphere that can not be found elsewhere, At least there is a touch of culture. But now fully malioboro is for commercial purposes. It should not matter right or wrong, but people soon learned, that malioboro has changed. Photo malioboro in 1936, taken from teteg monument (monument train) can at least show teteg changes past and present, and this means teteg monument and its surroundings have undergone many changes. Especially if you see malioboro in 1949, where the recently independent republic of Indonesia, malioboro has undergone a change, but the difference is only 13 years. Two photos malioboro "tempo doeloe" can at least open mind regarding the past and put it in reality malioboro malioboro now.
But now the changing times over the years this place a lot changes in one of its construction. Although there are some old buildings that msih solid until now and still in use. Now the tourist center of Yogyakarta. A lot can be found here. Along the way the building was surrounded by buildings that make the hallmark of this city.

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Yogyakarta since 1755 until today

Yogyakarta or Jogja is often called the beginning in approximately 1755, the territory of Mataram was divided two into the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo). At that time the building is the Prince Sultan Palace Mangkubumi, and made the palace of the most influential regional center on the island of Java in the century - 17. Palace remains a center of traditional life and despite the modernization in the 20th century, the palace still radiates the spirit of purity, which is characterized by its culture for centuries.
Yogyakarta is one of the cultural center of Java. Gamelan music is the view from the past, classical and contemporary, Javanese dance performances are very beautiful and intoxicating, puppet shows and hundreds of traditional arts that make the visitors spellbound.
Remarkable spirit of life and warmth of this city alone who almost never faded. Contemporary art is also grown in the fertile culture and people of Yogyakarta. ASRI, the Academy of Fine Arts, for example, an arts center here, and Yogyakarta had listed his name as an important school of modern painting in Indonesia, which may be exemplified in the figure of the Impressionist painters, Affandi. This province is one of the dense regions in Indonesia and is the main gateway to the center of Java where this place is geographically located. It stretches from Mount Merapi to the north toward the Indian Ocean in the south. Daily flights connecting Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya and Bali, as well as train and bus transport offer a road trip with the same route. When the Republic of Indonesia was established on August 17, 1945, symbolized by the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Ngayogyakarta Sultanate and Pakualaman united as one one of the provinces in Indonesia where lane IX was appointed as governor and Sri Paku Alam VIII as deputy governor. Although the province of DIY has a relatively small area, but rich in tourist attraction. Visitors can find various kinds of art and art performances are very interesting and amazing.

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Photographers to get back to basics?

Sometimes it is very good for us as photographers to get back to basics. And, of course, if you may only have started in the photography world and want to learn to "rope", it is essentially a natural beginning. But you the basics of what professionals know the art of photography.

Anyone can take a picture. Clearly, the foundation of the basics of photography as a camera stand. Every time you see a camera geek walk with enough material from the neck to launch the space shuttle, it seems that the camera is very complex, not only humans can understand. But a glance and you see a professional work with mobile phones, pretty easy to use camera. It really is since running the basics of the camera through the aperture and shutter speed.

Now do not get too fancy words nervously. Aperture is just an expression at the camera wide open to let light. And shutter speed is how long you turn the lights come to affect the image. In your photo of a fast-moving events you desire a wide aperture to allow light significantly, but a short shutter lag, if you take the situation easily and close the window, the photos taken before additional light hurts quality.

Photography is really all about light. You may and you can learn a lot about the lens and flash photography and other methods to re-run more than the lighting of the shots for you. Then add your direct photography skills have the desire to never stop learning. The better and additional sophisticated, you get in your ability to work from equipment, the more you learn, the more you want to learn.

You can get a lot better manage fundamental rights, surveillance cameras, such as aperture and shutter speed to find to switch to automatic settings in the settings manually. automatic settings for each camera is only available to the general people who are not interested to learn the basics. So I will give some of the settings are not complicated for such landscapes, portraits and sports settings. Exchanging hands for you to find out what the most basic settings for different situations.

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Development of Graphic Design

Logo design, in the world today, could prove to be an important factor for the success of a business or enterprise. But we do not know how the concept of logo came into being. We never know who the first who started the first time the logo design. What is clear, graphic design can be said to spearhead a business or enterprise in this era to attract consumers. Without a graphic design firm will not be able to grow in the real world and the world of the Internet. Well, I will discuss is not about how to make the effort, but knowing about graphic design. Not proficient with graphic design, at least we know from Desian graphic elements, and understanding widely.
Graphic Design is the composition of the (lay out) of some elements in the form, shape, line, color, typography, and imagery as well. Things to consider when you are doing graphic design.
Lots of software that appear can be viewed as the designers use the application for the benefit of the logo in such a way that it becomes an expensive price for the companies. Maybe you are one of the designers more reliable and maybe you know a lot about graphics design.
Graphic design process is very important for any business, so head and shoulders protruding from the competition.

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Designing a logo is not just about drawing

Designing a logo is not just about drawing a symbol or icon for the company nameplate. This is a complex job that involves balancing design elements are proportionate and appropriate logo.

Designing a logo is not just about drawing a symbol or icon for the company nameplate. This is a complex job that involves balancing design elements are proportionate and appropriate logo. The imbalance between the font, colors and symbols of corporate identity logos may damage the company.

Designing a logo is not just about drawing a symbol or icon for the company nameplate. This is a complex job that involves balancing design elements are proportionate and appropriate logo. The imbalance between the font, colors and symbols of corporate identity logos may damage the company.

In this day and age, you can not pass from the symbol as a logo design. Logos is not simply for display purposes. Instead, they require a deep understanding of business. This is because the logo need to communicate business messages to their target audience. Without the balance of elements in the logo design, corporate image you tend to decline. The following are elements that must be balanced in order to create a successful logo design.

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Creative Individuals Online

You can search for creative individuals online. Skills are very talented photographers who are often required for Commercial Photography and the client company to commission an innovative photographer to complete the project on their behalf. Architecture major features in Commercial Photography and experienced professionals to capture a range of interior and exterior settings for many clients. The construction industry regularly uses Commercial Photography and major projects can be captured because they were brought to life. Experience plays an important part of the Commercial Photography and services from leading suppliers in this industry can be secured online.
Shows the quality of your project with Commercial Photography
Let others witness your miracle scheme as they're created and then arrested by Commercial Photography. You can open a cutting-edge architecture of new insight and calm right you should be very proud of this fact. Highlight your best features with Commercial Photography architecture and let the still image is a true reflection of your work. Experts in Commercial Photography can produce the most amazing results because they capture a series of stunning images. Need a professional image of your project? Working with experienced photographers who produce captivating Commercial Photography for various blue chip clients. They will provide you with photographs taken by experts who promote your project in all their glory, no matter where they may.
Air reaches the big picture with the Commercial Photography

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Even think about Photography

Today, more and more consumers even think about Photography.If you are 1 of them, you may discover how difficult it is to file a human physical and create a professional shoot.E-book shows us how to produce the image you're looking ahead.There are various skills that you probably do not even hear of.Like,, tips on how to make natural looking model by adjusting their poses, what little tricks you can use to loosen the model, when to understand the beautiful minutes when taking a photo image and forth.You shift will probably find a lot of problems that you encounter when taking photos in this guide special. The climax of this book is that it's really quick to recognize anyone who can improve their ability to shoot as long as they learn the e-book by heart. What is much more, "Photography Posing Secrets" is not like some boring books about photography and make your profession sleepy.With pictures and words to live, you may find additional browsing guide fascinating.Immediately after perusing this book, I could imagine the professional image you get. Having heard so much, that you're currently interested in this guide to help me feel you be.Just may have a business? And you can get surprisingly outcomes.All you need is just buy and then you can download it. Very covenient to learn on your ipod or mobile phone at any time and any location. what little tricks you can use to loosen the model, when to understand the beautiful minutes when taking a photo image and forth.You shift will probably find a lot of problems that you encounter when taking photos in this guide special.

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Tips Beginer Photografer

 The half-true because it only refers to the shallow depth-of-field. Sometimes also confused with the bokeh, which is basically the quality of out-of-focus parts of an image.

Go to the other extreme and get flowers, cabins and mountains (and people too) sharp focus in a landscape photograph requires a depth of field. That means the foreground and background are sharp as well.

Depth-of-field is sharply focused area, which is controlled by 3 factors:

* Aperture (hole bigger like f2.8 gives you less DOF, a small hole like the F16 gives you more)
* Focal length (tele lens less DOF, while the wide-angle lenses have more)
* The distance between the subject and the camera (the closer you are, the less you will have DOF)

The most common factor of depth-of-the aperture setting. Shutter speed is usually taught in basic photography class as a major factor affecting how much depth of field in your photos.

A large aperture (which means the number of F minor, such as f1.4 or F2.8) will give shallow depth of field, while a small aperture (which means a large F number, such as F11 or F16) will provide a deep DOF.

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Peak of Suroloyo

There are areas that may be said to still experience the peak of "Suroloyo". Rows and rows of the hills are located in the "hamlet Keceme, Gerbosari Village, District Samigaluh Kulon Progo" located 48 miles from the city of Yogyakarta. The trip there is very challenging because of the steep streets should be achieved. But the outcome of the trip did not disappoint
  There is probably a natural atmosphere in today's hard felt in the cities can be felt at all. Accompanied by cool air off the beautiful scenery. From this place looks four large mountain on the island of Java, namely Merapi, Merbabu, Cleft and Sindoro poking among white mist. The thickness of the white mist that looks like the waves that drown the mainland until the only remaining fields that make up the composition of the tread siring and trees located on higher ground. From behind the white mist of that, the top of the stupa of Borobudur temple which appear black appears on the surface of the ocean mist. Also there are many seats that leads to all these views.
The people also believe in this place there is a myth, this peak in the believe to be the central point of reference from which its Java language pancering or with the central meaning of the four corners of the land of Java. With that myth every single calendar date java or in Javanese language "Suro month" always seeking the limelight from all communities within and outside the region. Perhaps because the peak Suroloyo have a history in the Islamic kingdom of Mataram.

Can see some photos I took while though a bit vague, but can imagine its beauty.

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West Sumatran Folklore

A story or perhaps also the legend of the people of Sumatra in the west of a child who curses his mother into stone because duhaka not want to recognize his mother after she became rich. That is the story of leganda Malin Kundang. And it turns out scientists at Oxford University have examined the stone, so long stone figure resembling a master Kundang, it appeared that only a mere story.
Experts believe and have learned that the stone is preserved using a formula typical recipe from Indonesia that may be more powerful than the herb for pre mummy in Egypt. The remains of these formulas were found buried near the grave stones. On the bottle it is written with the label "FOR Malin Kundang. "
But we also will not know the truth from the beginning of the story statue of Malin Kundang this could happen. Is this a true story or even just only a mere folklore?
This region lies south of the city of Padang by taking approximately 1.5 hours of beach called "AIA MANIH". One of the best beaches in West Sumatra. Which can be seen from the statue of this legend is part of the rest of the broken vessel that looks arise only front and rear only. But some parts of the rest of the hull is still bias obvious. And there is like a roll of rope ship there.Beach "Aia Manih" This gives the location of play for the visitors. 

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Monument of Yogyakarta

Residents summoned yogyakarta white monument. A monumentis located in the middle of the road junction, which has its own uniqueness. Monument known as pal. Pal monument is elliptical with a small ball and a pointed tip at the top. From the palace of Yogyakarta when we look to the north, then we will find that Jalan Malioboro, Jalan Mangkubumi, this monument, and Road Monument Yogya back will form a straight line exactly with the direction to the top of Mount Merapi. This monument was built by Hamengkubuwana I, founder of the Yogyakarta palace. The monument is located at the intersection of Jalan Jenderal Sudirman and Jalan. This Mangkubumi Prince, has symbolic value and is the line that is magical. Tugu Jogja nearly 3 centuries-old have deep meaning as well save some recording history of the city of Yogyaka. At night, the monument was used as the object image in general, young people who like to field photographers. or maybe those who want to make a memory of Yogyakarta. Not create a picture taken, sitting relaxing also sometimes not less exciting. 

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